02 Mar 2017

Should Taxpayers be Forced to Fund ‘Same Sex’ Benefits?

The Supreme Court’s pro-same-sex marriage decision is having far-reaching implications. Not only a people of the same-sex having their marriages legitimized but anyone who opposes same-sex marriages can be severely punished as has happened in a number of high-profile cases. Not only are people being discriminated against in their personal beliefs and

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
05 Nov 2015

Houston LGBT Losers Resort to Economic Blackmail

The LGBT+ community and the Lesbian mayor of Houston got trounced in Tuesday’s election of a bill that would have allowed men who thought they were women to use women’s bathrooms, showers, and locker rooms. It was sold as an equal rights ordinance. Refusal to follow the law would have

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
28 Oct 2014

Houston Mayor Annise Parker Lies About Daughter’s Driver’s License

Homosexuals have always portrayed themselves as victims. Sure, there is some violence against homosexuals as there is against blacks, Jews, rich people, poor people, the homeless, young people, women, and nearly every other group. Homosexuals, however, have turned it into political theater. When Matthew Shepard was beaten and murdered, it

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
18 Oct 2014

The Real Goal in Houston is to Silence Churches

Todd Starnes writes, “Five Christian pastors will no longer have to turn their sermons over to attorneys for the city of Houston. Instead, they will be forced to turn over their speeches related to the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO).” Isn’t a sermon a “speech”? What are they actually looking

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
17 Oct 2014

Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott Responds to Houston Sermon Demand

One of the ways the Left has beaten constitutionalists is by having people in places of authority to control the narrative and the legislation. The homosexual movement, comprising 1.6 percent of the population, has dominated the narrative and worked tirelessly to get its people in positions of power. Consider the

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
16 Oct 2014

Houston Sermon Demand Really About Future Hate Crime Lawsuits

I have followed the Houston petition story for months. I’ve had numerous conversations with a person directly involved in the petition drive. I’ve known him for more than 25 years. He’s one of the most connected persons in Texas when it comes to politics. Long before this became a national

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
15 Oct 2014

City of Houston Uses Nazi-Era Tactics Against Pastors

If Christian pastors across the United States don’t get the message from what the city of Houston Texas is doing under the leadership of Mayor Annise Parker, then their churches deserve to be shut down by the government. Officials with the city of Houston, who are fighting for a controversial

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
05 Jul 2014

Petition Drive To Repeal Houston’s LGBT & Transsexual Bathroom Law Wins Big

Recently, a petition drive was started to overturn some new laws that the Houston City Council passed that made sexual distinctions irrelevant and even illegal. The new laws are “being used by men to enter women’s restrooms on the grounds they consider themselves women.” The potential for abuse is enormous.

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
03 Jun 2014

It’s Time for the Men of Houston to Occupy the Women’s Bathrooms

The city of Houston has been taken over by the Gaystapo and its homosexual leader Mayor Annise Parker. It wasn’t enough to elect a self-proclaimed lesbian as the mayor of the city. The City Council, in an 11-6 vote, has now shoved the gay agenda done the throats of the

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
07 Nov 2011

Homosexuals Battle for Control of Houston

The following is showing up in email boxes of voters living in Houston, Texas. Thought you might like to know what’s going on in one of nation’s largest cities. Your city could be next. The vote for Houston’s next mayor is on the line. November 8th is V-Day – Get

Gary DeMar 0 Read More