A Short Education About What Every Politician Should Know
The following comments are from radio host Jan Mickelson. I’ve been interviewed by Jan in the past. He’s a great spokesman for Christian and constitutional values. Rarely do voters vote in terms of the Constitution. First, they don’t know what it says. Second, they don’t know what it means. Third, they
How a Radical Muslim “Natural Born Citizen” Could Be President
Ted Cruz was born in Canada to a mother who is a natural born Citizen and a father who is a naturalized citizen. Ted Cruz’s father immigrated to the United States and lived here before going to Canada for work. According to some conservatives and liberals, Ted Cruz is not
Three Children of the Founder Who Proposed the ‘Natural Born Citizen’ Clause Were Not Born in the United States
The history behind the inclusion of “Natural Born Citizen” in the Constitution was proposed by one man – John Jay. Jay is described as “an American statesman, Patriot, diplomat, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, signer of the Treaty of Paris, and first Chief Justice of the United States (1789–95).”
“Does the Bible have Authority Over the Constitution?,” Ben Carson is Asked
Dr. Ben Carson was asked by NBC’s Chuck Todd a question from a Facebook poster named Victor Roush, “Does the Bible have authority over the constitution?” It was posed as a “simple question.” Here is what Dr. Carson said: “That is not a simple question by any stretch of the imagination.
The Bible and the Constitution
Christians are often accused of wanting to replace the Constitution with the Bible. There could be someone out there who might have said this. If you hunt long enough, you can always find a sound-bite from a no-name character to make your already concluded case. The charge sets up a