06 Mar 2014

Do Liberals Like Thomas Jefferson When He Said This?

Liberals have a few political patron saints, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and John F. Kennedy, to name just four. Some might say Barack Obama, but his halo is beginning to tarnish. He’s still in the running. It’s hard for liberals to reject a political messiah that they

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
06 Mar 2014

The “We’re All Animals” Premise of Modern Secular Thought and Where it Leads

There are consequences to what a person believes. Unfortunately, many people don’t often work out the full implications of those beliefs to see where they lead if consistency prevails. It’s one of the reasons we have poverty and drug addiction. Not gaining a skill early in life of work-habit experience

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
05 Mar 2014

If You Want to See What Liberal Paradise Looks Like – Go to Prison

Joe Arpaio is known as America’s Toughest Sheriff, a title “given to him years ago by the media. It’s a name he certainly has earned as head of the nation’s third largest Sheriff’s Office which employs over 3400 people.” “In 1992, Arpaio successfully campaigned to become the Sheriff of Maricopa

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
03 Mar 2014

Evidence of the Death of Free Speech in our Time

Forbes reports that today’s liberalism is about shutting down debate. We’ve “reached the point,” Steven F. Hayward writes, “where you can’t criticize the welfare state any more. Criticism of welfare programs today get you marked out as a racist. And that’s not the only subject that the Left is trying to mark

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
02 Mar 2014

Will China Ban Knives after 33 People Knifed to Death?

The scene must have been horrific. At least 33 people (the number keeps changing) “were killed in a ‘violent terrorist attack’ at a train station in the southwestern Chinese city of Kunming by a group of unidentified people brandishing knives, five of whom were shot dead, state media said on

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
02 Mar 2014

Putin is Only Doing what Obama and Eric Holder Have Done

What was the trigger that led Vladimir Putin think he could get away with what President Obama says is a “clear violation” of Ukraine’s sovereignty even after a 90-minute phone call in which “Obama . . . called Russia’s actions a ‘violation of international law’ and said they will lead

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
01 Mar 2014

Liberals Show Fear of “God’s Lawyers”

Somehow I missed an article from the March 2013 issue of Church & State, a publication of the anti-Christian organization Americans United for Separation of Church and State. The title of the article is designed to strike fear in the hearts of liberals everywhere and increase donations. (Americans United learned

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
01 Mar 2014

Lesbian Denied Haircut by Male Muslim Barbers

This story’s from Canada. But don’t worry, before you know it, a similar thing will happen in the United States. It will be interesting to see how liberals and their willing judicial accomplices will respond. “Barbers in Toronto who refused to cut a woman’s hair have become the target of

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
27 Feb 2014

Answering “5 Reasons We Don’t Send Our Kids to Christian Schools”

When I first read the article “5 Reasons We Don’t Send Our Kids to Christian Schools (but you might, and should),” I thought it might be satire. I contacted the author and he informed me that it wasn’t. So here goes. For what it’s worth, the first thing I noted

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
25 Feb 2014

Eric Holder Says State AGs Can Ignore Anti-Same Sex Marriage Laws

Eric Holder is lawless. He admitted it. He told state attorneys general that they do not have to enforce state laws that prohibit same-sex marriage: “U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder told the New York Times that if a state has a gay marriage ban in place and that state’s Attorney

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
24 Feb 2014

Would Jesus Bake a Cake For and Attend a Homosexual Wedding?

CNN is reporting that “Arizona’s Legislature has passed a controversial bill that would allow business owners, as long as they assert their religious beliefs, to deny service to gay and lesbian customers.” If Gov. Jan Brewer signs it, the courts will rule it unconstitutional. This all started when states passed

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
22 Feb 2014

Former Supreme Court Justice Stevens wants to Rewrite Second Amendment

John Paul Stevens served on the Supreme Court from 1975 to 2010, the second longest tenure of all Supreme Court justices. Fortunately for freedom-loving Americans, he can’t do any more damage. Of course, this hasn’t stopped the present crop of justices from significantly remaking America into their own misguided image.

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
21 Feb 2014

Assault Weapons for Syrian Rebels But not American Citizens

My wife and I have been watching the series “Island at War” on Netflix. “[It’s] a British television series that tells the story of the German Occupation of the Channel Islands.” British forces had left the Islands but Germany did not know that the islands had been demilitarized. The islands

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
21 Feb 2014

The Real Reason Why Obama Won’t Help Romeike Homeschool Family

Why are the Democrats and President Obama pushing so hard to legalize tens of millions of illegal aliens and at the same time want to send back the German homeschool family back to Germany to face possible imprisonment and the loss of their children? “The Romeike family, who are evangelical Christians,

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
20 Feb 2014

Leftist Warns of ‘Conservative Crusade for Christian Sharia Law’

The Left is great at making weak analogies and poisoning the well. By linking Christians who hold to certain moral values with Sharia Law, the goal is to taint anything a Christian ever says about law. It’s a neat trick, and it often works with low information voters and even

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
19 Feb 2014

Union Vote Loss at Volkswagen Auto Plant Blamed on Racism and Nazis

You know it had to happen. Anytime liberals and Democrats lose politically, it’s because of racism. Timothy Noah, a contributing writer for MSNBC, claimed that the union loss at the Chattanooga Volkswagen auto plant was because union “opposition . . . portrayed this as a kind of Northern invasion, a

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
18 Feb 2014

Google Threatens WND Website for Using “Bl**k M*bs” Phrase

Google has accused WND (formerly WorldNetDaily) of using “hate speech” for the site’s use of black mobs in its articles on black violence. “The world’s most powerful Internet search engine has accused WND of using ‘hate speech’ and has threatened to block ads on the news site over its use

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
18 Feb 2014

John Kerry Pushes Global Warming Myth for Global Control

John Kerry is gallivanting around the world, burning carbon-loaded jet fuel, and pumping 12 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere so he can warn the world that global warming, I mean, climate change, is going to kill us all and what we need to do is spend more money. The

Gary DeMar 0 Read More