The Goal is to Keep the Poor in Poverty
The threshold for determining if a family is living below the poverty level in 2011 is an income of $22,350 per year for a family of four. Keep this number in mind as we take a brief look at some older poverty numbers. This will shock you. Well, maybe it

Governments Create Poor People
What? There’s poverty in America? The latest statistics are in. The number of Americans living below the poverty line rose to a record 46 million in 2010, the largest in the 52 years since the Census Bureau has been publishing poverty estimates. How is this possible? The Great Society policies

Did Union Boss Hoffa’s Rhetoric Contribute to IHOP Shootings?
Let’s play a game of “Let’s Suppose.” By now you’ve heard that a nut case entered an IHOP restaurant and shot eleven people. Three of them are dead. Two of them uniformed Army National Guardsmen. Was the shooter influenced by Jimmy Hoffa’s comments?: “Let’s take these son-of-a-bitches out and give

Democrat Says Tea Party Would Love to See Blacks Lynched
Leftist Democrats are getting desperate, mean, slanderous, and borderline insane. The latest moral and mental outrage comes from Rep. Andre Carson (D-Ind.). Carson, the nation’s second Muslim Congressman and a member of the Congressional Black Congress, said the following: Some [of the members] in Congress right now of this Tea

Are You a Member of a Hate Group?
Any time the liberal media want to disparage the right side of the political spectrum, they call on a pool of go-to guys and gals to make their case for them. It’s not news reporting; its ideological position marketing. One of their go-to guys is Mark Potok of the hard-left

Rick Perry Questioned About Evolution and Science
Did you see the video of Rick Perry being questioned about evolution? The Texas governor was responding to a question from a little boy in New Hampshire. The child is not asking on his own account. He was being used as a prop by his mother. You can hear the
George Stephanopoulos Says It’s Unpatriotic to Avoid Paying Taxes
George Stephanopoulos (Γεώργιος Στεφανόπουλος), the descendant of Greek immigrants, stated companies that go overseas as a result of high taxes in America are “unpatriotic.” Was it unpatriotic for his Greek relatives to leave their home country to find a better life in the United States? When they left Greece, they

Gun and Baseball Bat Control in Great Britain
Great Britain has strict gun control laws. Advocates of gun control believe that these laws cut down on violence and crime. Such laws only empower lawbreakers. Gun homicides were low in the United Kingdom even before gun control laws went into effect. This does not mean that there hasn’t been

Evolution, Richard Dawkins, and the London Rioters
Two girls who took part in Monday night’s riots in Croydon, a town in South London, England, have boasted that they were showing police and “the rich people that we can do what we want.” They said it calmly and matter-of-factly. Has Richard Dawkins contributed to a change in moral

Here’s What Real Terrorists do, Mr. Vice President
You’ve probably heard by now that Vice President Biden described Tea Party members as terrorists. Others from his party said that it was the Tea Party that was holding the nation hostage during budget negotiations. It doesn’t stop with liberal politicians. As usual, the media have gotten into the act.

More Tea in 2012!
You’re ticked off by the budget and deficit deal. The old-guard Republicans caved again and took a few Tea Party people with them. So now what are you going to do? Sulk? Whine? Bitch and moan? Not me. There’s one thing about liberals that I admire. They never quit. When

Radicals are Running the Government
All this talk about blaming conservatives for the Norwegian madness has made me go retro – back to the glory days of the 1960s. On the cover of the book Revolution for the Hell of It (1968), the author is shown with a rifle in his hand leaping for joy.

Do Conservatives Need Ayn Rand?
Shortly after Congressman Paul Ryan’s appearance at the 2011 Faith and Freedom Conference in D.C., a Bible-waving protester confronted the Chairman of the House Budget Committee and questioned him for modeling his proposed budget after “the extreme ideology of Ayn Rand rather than the basic economic justice values of the