
Will Atheists and LGBTQ Crowd Join Forces Against Christians?

We’re beginning to see some consistency among atheists and homosexuals. Neither group can account for morality in their systems. Atheists are materialists. Matter cannot produce morality. DNA neither knows nor cares about what anyone does. That would include Muslims throwing homosexuals off of high buildings to their deaths.

Homosexuals think that once they get rid of Christianity they will live in relative peace. What if God was no more? Are their consequences to a fully consistent atheism — a molecule-to-man theory of evolutionary origins?

When the late anti-theist Christopher Hitchens (1949–2011) was asked if there was only one believer in God alive in the world after atheists had made their case that God did not exist, would he work to covert this last theist to atheism? Here was his answer as recorded in the debate DVD Collision:
“If I could convince everyone to be non-believers, . . . and there is only one [believer] left, one more, and then it would be done and there would be no more religion in the world and no more deism and theism, I wouldn’t do it.”
Fellow unbeliever and atheist high priest Richard Dawkins was astonished at Hitchens’ answer:
“And Dawkins said, what do you mean you wouldn’t do it? And I said I don’t quite know why I wouldn’t do it. And it is not just because there would be nothing left to argue over and no one left to argue with, it is not just that, well, it would be then, somehow if I could drive it out of the world, I wouldn’t and the incredulity with which he looked stays with me still, I’ve got to say.”

Richard Dawkins, prominent atheist author and evolutionary biologist, has warned against celebrating what some call the demise of Christianity in Europe.

Dawkins tweeted Wednesday: “Before we rejoice at the death throes of the relatively benign Christian religion, let’s not forget Hilaire Belloc’s menacing rhyme: ‘Always keep a-hold of nurse – For fear of finding something worse.’”

I’ll tell you why Hitchens wouldn’t do it. Because living in a consistently atheistic world is impossible. Atheists talk about morality, goodness, and evil, but they can’t account for them given their materialistic assumptions. This is not to say that today’s atheists are not moral. They are and they aren’t. They are because they assume a worldview that includes morality and the distinctions between good and evil. But how do you get morality from molecules and atoms? You don’t.

Recently, Dawkins seemed to have changed his mind, as reported by Fox News:

Richard Dawkins, prominent atheist author and evolutionary biologist, has warned against celebrating what some call the demise of Christianity in Europe.

Dawkins tweeted Wednesday: “Before we rejoice at the death throes of the relatively benign Christian religion, let’s not forget Hilaire Belloc’s menacing rhyme: ‘Always keep a-hold of nurse – For fear of finding something worse.’”

So-called “Christian” homosexuals don’t have a leg to stand on if they believe the Bible. The Bible is decidedly against same-sex sexuality, from the first chapter of Genesis (1:27-28) to the last chapter of Revelation (22:15), and everything in between.

A same-sex couple can’t be “fruitful and multiply.” In terms of biology alone, homosexuality is unnatural and anti-evolutionary.

People who engage in same-sex sexuality cannot maintain a belief in God and justify their sexual immorality. Atheists understand the issue. If there is no God, there is no prohibition against homosexuality. Of course, if there is no God, there is no prohibition against anything.

Even so, some atheists are calling on those in the LGBT sexual orbit to join forces:

In a new book titled Queer Disbelief: Why LGBTQ Equality is an Atheist Issue, writer Camille Beredjick proposes that atheists unite with LGBTQ communities as allies against Christianity. (PJ Media)

A professed atheist and LGBTQ activist, Beredjick says that the two sides have much in common and are fighting a common enemy.

Christianity is the enemy because it has a fixed moral ethic. If Christianity is relegated to the backwater of acceptance and denied a legal status, sexual mores will be self-justified and homosexual the entire alphabet soup of sexual expression will be normalized.

Beredjick believes that Christian organizations shouldn’t be allowed to fire either atheists or LGBTQ individuals. Predictably, she also takes aim at Christians like the bakers and florists who have been sued out of business for attempting to operate their place of business according to their consciences.

While Christians will not be permitted to refuse to promote homosexuality in their businesses by refusing to print pro-homosexual t-shirts, placards, brochures, bake same-sex wedding cakes, or service same-sex weddings in any way, homosexuals will be given the legal right to discriminate against Christians. Discriminating against Christians happens on a regular basis in the United States. Look what Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) did to Mike Pompeo during the nomination process for Secretary of State.

Let’s not forget the article that appeared in The New Yorker and its attack on Chik-fil-A because of its stand on what is described as “traditional values,” actually, “creational values”:

Senator Booker’s Facebook announcement that he would vote against Pompeo for these beliefs came the same day that a New Yorker article claimed Chick-fil-A was “creepy” and unfit for New York City because of the Christian origins of that company. (CNS News)

Atheists and homosexuals on the main point, although many theists who support homosexuality are resisting the logic of what they are actually maintaining: “In the interview, Beredjick correctly acknowledges that there is much overlap between the two groups. In fact, as she points out, ‘Close to half of LGBTQ persons say they are nonbelievers.’ That makes sense, and it makes sense because both groups are engaged in active rebellion against their Creator.”

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