
The So-Called ‘Science’ Behind ‘Gay’ Marriage

A letter writer to USA Today equates “gay marriage” with “equality,” “science,” and “rationality.” Here’s how he puts it:

As our nation and the world move forward with advances in science and medicine, rationality inevitably follows. Conservatives will have a more difficult time defending their bigotry.

If there’s one thing homosexual behavior isn’t, it’s rational. Anyone doing an objective study of sexuality would conclude that same-sex sex (homo = same + sexuality). No matter how many times persons of the same sex engage in sexual activity, there will never be any offspring. If everybody only engaged in homosexual sex, within 100 years the human race would be extinct. This is a mathematical, scientific, and medical fact. Bigotry has nothing to do with opposition to homosexual behavior.

One must consider the objectivity of someone who claims that sticking a penis into an orifice that deposits into a toilet is comparable to a man and woman having intercourse. The scientific case for homosexual behavior will have merit when a man gives birth from another man’s rectum.

Once homosexual marriage is sanctioned by law in the name of science and rationality, anything goes. A woman from San Francisco (surprise) with an “object fetish” married the Eiffel Tower. “Objectum-sexuals are people who fall in love with inanimate objects, like buildings, cars, and Hammond organs. And I don’t mean appreciation of good design, I mean l-o-v-e.”

Are these types of “love” relationships also rational and other categories of equality? Who’s to say?

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