“Scholar of American Religion” Doesn’t Know Much about Christianity
In a USA Today article, Stephen Prothero writes that “Sanders, a secular Jew, is the most Christian candidate in this race.” Prothero self-identifies as a “scholar of American religion.” All that means is that he has a PhD from a secular institution, but it doesn’t guarantee that he really knows that

Climate Change Denier Silenced for Doing Climate Science and Disagreeing with the Science
How many times have scientists brought up the Galileo Affair as an example of how scientists have been persecuted because of a disagreement over ideology? every school textbook has at least a few pages on how Galileo challenged the “settled science” of the day. He is a science saint. How times

Is a One-World Government Around the Corner?
I received the following in an email: “The Vatican is pushing for the establishment of “a supranational authority” with worldwide scope and “universal jurisdiction” to guide economic policies and decisions (i.e., a one world bank). I know that some of you will be mad at what you are about to

Robin Hood Took From Government Not Capitalists
The Occupiers are calling for a Robin Hood Tax “on high-finance transactions and currency trades by banks and institutions.” Those proposing the tax — Bill Gates is one of them — want the collected fees to help the poor. Even the Vatican has gotten behind the new scheme. The church