01 Jun 2018

Comparing People to Monkeys and Apes Can’t Be Racist Because It’s ‘Science’

There has been a great deal of outrage when Roseanne Barr’s compared Valerie Jarrett compared here to Helena Bonham Carter’s character Ari in the 2001 remake of Planet of the Apes. Many people might not realize that evolutionists believe that humans and chimpanzees are very close DNA relatives. Consider the

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
30 May 2018

Why the Firing of Roseanne is not a First Amendment Issue

It had to happen. ABC/Disney had to find a way to get rid of the reboot of Roseanne’s show. Unfortunately, Roseanne herself gave the network a reason. Like clockwork, Leftists are blaming Pres. Trump. It was a stupid thing for Roseanne to say, and if she had run her tweet

Gary DeMar 0 Read More