What Happened to the Third San Bernardino Shooter?
The initial reports that came out after the San Bernardino shootings is that there were three assailants. Then all of a sudden there were two dead people and no more talk about a third shooter. For the longest time President Obama and the liberal media downplayed the narrative that this
Jesus, Guns, and Self-Defense: What Does the Bible Say?
Good Christian? Bad Christian? It all depends on who’s doing the evaluating. The reaction to Jerry Falwell Jr.’s comments on encouraging students at Liberty University to be armed in case there is an ISIS attack at the school has led to a great deal of theological and political angst. Brian
Liberals Pray that Obama and Government Will ‘Fix This’
The cover of the Daily News featured a slam at prayer and God with this headline: “God Isn’t Fixing This.” It followed the headline with this tag line: “As latest batch of innocent Americans are left lying in pools of blood, cowards who could truly end gun scourge continue to
Liberals Immediately Linked California Shootings to GOP and Planned Parenthood Shooting
You know that it had to happen. The media made a prejudicial leap by implying, before any facts were known about the assailants, that the attack might have had something to do with Planned Parenthood. One liberal nut ball and screw-loose liberal blamed the San Bernardino County attack on Republicans