Pro-Abortionist Upset With ‘Newsweek’ Cover Because an Unborn Baby Looks Like a Baby
Liberals not only try to control the narrative, they also try their hardest to keep truth from getting out to low-information voters. For years abortionists have tried to keep full disclosure from women considering abortion. Liberals want every ingredient listed on every food package but woe to anyone who wants

Wife-Beating Video of Ray Rice OK but Not Pictures of Aborted Babies
I was listening to Rush Limbaugh this afternoon when I heard a caller make an excellent point. He wondered why it was OK and necessary to show Baltimore Ravens player Ray Rice punching his wife Janay Palmer Rice and knocking her out, but it was wrong to show pictures of aborted

Melissa Harris-Perry Compares Pro-Lifers to Attackers
MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry is a treasure trove of malicious rhetoric. Her last hate-filled rant attacked the Romney family for adopting a white baby. She eventually apologized. But that’s all liberals have to do. Say something utterly foolish and politically incendiary and later offer a tearful apology. All is then forgotten

American Atheists Show They Need God to Survive
T.S. Elliott, wrote, “The greatest proof of Christianity for others is not how far a man can logically analyze his reasons for believing, but how far in practice he will stake his life on his belief.” True enough, but we can apply this same truth to atheism: “The greatest proof