The Bible Warns About ‘Savage Wolves’ among the Sheep
Oliver Thomas, a retired Baptist minister, has written, “American churches must reject literalism and admit we got it wrong on gay people.” It appears in USA Today where he is a member of USA Today’s Board of Contributors. He wrote something similar 13 years ago. He began his 2006 article

Jimmy Carter Says Jesus Would Approve Some Abortions
If you’ve ever been in a debate over abortion, you know where the land-mine questions are buried. The first one is, “You have no right to tell me what I can do with my own body.” The most accurate and simplest answer is, Of course, I don’t have any right

Jimmy Carter Says Jesus Would Support Same-Sex Marriage
When former President Jimmy Carter was asked about same-sex marriage, he replied, “It’s no problem with me. I think everybody should have a right to get married regardless of their sex.” Of course, everyone should have the right to marry “regardless of their sex.” What’s at issue is if it’s

Carter and Democrats Asked Soviets to Stop Reagan
The Democrats have all of a sudden taken an interest in Russia. Where were they when Hillary and Bill Clinton were making big bucks with the Russians when she was Secretary of State? Are we to believe that there was no quid pro quo?: 1. Hillary Clinton approved the transfer

In 1977 Jimmy Carter Said We Should Have Run Out of Oil by Now
Global Warming/Climate Change advocates claim that the debate is over. The science is settled. Debating the “science” behind the certainty of man-made Climate Change is like debating whether the earth is flat or round. So say supposedly 97 percent of all scientists. Rubbish. A similar no-debate claim was made in

Guess WhichPresident Banned Iranians From Coming to America
Facts can be irritating and stubborn, especially when they expose blatant hypocrisy. The internet has made it difficult to hide from facts. Amidst the fake news stories, conspiracy theories, and downright lies, there is the truth. When Donald Trump made his comments about Muslims in New Jersey, he was immediately

Star Wars VII and How Tyranny Returns: From Carter to Obama
The following three sentences from Ben Domenech’s article “The New Star Wars Trailer, Analyzed” caught my attention: The internet comment threads are filled with frustrated confusion about this. How can people forget about the Jedi a mere thirty years after they orchestrated the collapse of the Empire? Did they all

Liberal Admits Liberal Journalists Ignorant About Religion
A couple of items in the news confirmed what religious conservatives have known for a long time. First, liberal journalists aren’t very religious. Second, they are ignorant about religion. Third, they believe, according to Paul Waldman who wrote on The Washington Post’s Plum Line blog, that “religious conservatives” are trying

Jimmy Carter Admits Jesus Does Not Support Same-Sex Marriage
Former president Jimmy Carter has admitted that there is not a single verse in the gospels where Jesus approves of same-sex sexuality or same-sex marriage. “Former president Jimmy Carter said on Tuesday that he believes Jesus would approve of gay marriage, though he said that he doesn’t have ‘any verse in scripture’

Jimmy Carter’s Grandson Running for Governor Says Government “Doles Out . . . Rights”
Jason Carter is the grandson of former President Jimmy Carter. He’s running for governor in Georgia as a Democrat on his grandfather’s tattered coattails. “Carter’s biggest asset appears to be that he is the grandson of the nation’s most ineffective president, former peanut farmer Jimmy Carter. As evidenced by Carter’s

Atheists Want ‘Under God’ Removed from Pledge of Allegiance
The Washington Times reports that “the American Humanist Association kicked off a national campaign to press people to stop pledging allegiance to the U.S. flag, until the phrase ‘under God’ is removed. The campaign includes YouTube video spots and bus stop ads in New York City and Washington, D.C., the

Jimmy Carter to Give Keynote Speech at Muslim Convention
Former President Jimmy Carter has been more critical of Christians than terrorists like Hamas and ISIS. Carter ran for president in 1976 as a “born again Christian.” Carter’s Southern Baptist Faith turned out to be a huge disappointment. Dr. Gary North writes: “The fundamentalists were happy to receive attention at

How Texas Became Conservative
When my wife and I moved to Georgia in 1979, it was dominated by Democrats. In fact, the President of the United States was Jimmy Carter, the peanut farmer from the Peach State of Georgia. Today, all the major offices in Georgia are held by Republicans. An interesting factoid, Michelle

The Theological Schizophrenia of Franklin Graham
Franklin Graham has come out with a broadside against pastors. He describes some of today’s pastors as “cowards” for not addressing the social evils of our day. “Graham told a large gathering of pastors on [May 22] to address controversial issues from the pulpit, declaring that ‘God hates cowards.’” Ouch!

Jimmy Carter Didn’t Say it But Many Liberals Think It
I saw the following on Facebook that was attributed to former president Jimmy Carter. It was juicy, but did he say it?: “If you don’t want your tax dollars to help the poor, then stop saying that you want a country based on Christian values. Because you don’t!” After a

1980 Carter-Reagan Race Too Close to Call on Eve of Election
The 1980 presidential election fooled a lot of pollsters. Ronald Regan got 50.7% of the vote, while Jimmy Carter received 41%, John Anderson brought up the rear with 6%, and lesser known candidates made up the difference. It was a blowout in the popular vote department. In terms of Electoral

Romney Outed as a Conservative
How do we know Romney sounds like a conservative? The media are attacking him for something he said in June that was surreptitiously recorded by, if the reports are true, Jimmy Carter’s grandson. Why would Carter’s grandson do this? It’s simple. He wants Obama to win a second term. With

Is Foreign Policy Experience Necessary to be President?
In an interview with Mitt Romney, David Gregory confronted the GOP nominee with this comment about foreign policy experience: “[President Obama] used some pretty tough words in talking about you, saying you and Paul Ryan are, quote, ‘New to foreign policy. Want to take us back to an era of