The Foundation Stone of American Liberty can be Laid Again
It’s been said that history repeats itself. Actually, it’s people who repeat the mistakes of history. We’re seeing a fundamental shift in worldviews taking place in America. A similar shift had taken place in England. It was that shift that brought about fundamental changes to the world. What took place
Christian School Told to Have Muslim Imam Lead Assemblies
“A successful Christian school could face closure for failing to uphold British values,’ The Daily Telegraph has reported.” Sowing the seeds of self-destruction. __________________ Regulators have informed a Christian school that it needs to have a Muslim imam come in to lead assemblies for its students in order to teach
After Beheadings Liberals Will be Calling for Knife Control
We’ve seen Muslim extremists cut of the heads of innocent people. The video of these murders have made their way around the world via electronic media. Yes, the bad guys still use guns, but if they didn’t have them, they would still maim, mutilate, and murder. We saw what they
Radical Islam is a Bigger Problem than Vladimir Putin
The Russian and Ukrainian conflict is a mess, but it’s not our problem, at least not yet. When this conflict becomes a direct threat to the United States, then we need to act in a judicious manner. But now is not the time for a show of military force or