22 Apr 2019

Was Jesus a Failed Prophet?

The Bible is literature and needs to be interpreted in terms of its own standards. In fact, the word “literal” means “according to the literature.” What type of literature is being used? Modern-day prophecy writers give ammunition to sites like Black Nonbelievers, Inc. because they manipulate the plain meaning of the text in order to support their speculative failed end-time prophetic views.

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
19 Apr 2018

Will Atheists and LGBTQ Crowd Join Forces Against Christians?

We’re beginning to see some consistency among atheists and homosexuals. Neither group can account for morality in their systems. Atheists are materialists. Matter cannot produce morality. DNA neither knows nor cares about what anyone does. That would include Muslims throwing homosexuals off of high buildings to their deaths. Homosexuals think that

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
22 Sep 2017

Could Convicted Murderers Go Free If Atheist Group Wins Case?

Shari Webber-Dunn “received a minimum 40-year sentence after her conviction on first-degree murder charges following the shooting death of her estranged husband, Scott Webber, in 1994…” She filed a lawsuit this week, “alleging that prison officials have been ‘imposing Christian beliefs’ on her and other inmates…. She says officials there

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
15 Jul 2017

Media Show Their Ignorance Over Prayer Meeting with Trump at the White House

The media once again went off the rails when they found out that a group of pastors and Christian leaders prayed with and for Pres. Trump at the White House. Here’s what Erin Burnett of CNN said of the impromptu prayer meeting: “Pretty stunning image, I mean, I’ll give you

Gary DeMar 0 Read More