How Hollywood Perverts Sex and Romance and Attacks Anyone Who Disagrees with the Perversion
The Best Picture at the 2018 Academy Awards is The Shape of Water. It’s a love story between a female custodian at a high-security government laboratory who falls in love with a captured humanoid-amphibian creature. When I first heard about the film, the image that came to mind was the 1954 film
Will I Be Fined If I Don’t Bake a Cake for Someone who wants to Marry Herself? Defining Deviancy Down for Control
People have lost their minds. It didn’t happen overnight. It’s taken some time to rid the universe of a Creator who endows us with certain inalienable rights and who is also the “Supreme Judge of the world,” as the Declaration of Independence puts it. You can’t have one without the other. You
Liberals Should Have to Prove Scientifically that there are 58 Different Genders
It’s a simple request. Homosexual have been claiming that they are homosexual by nature. That is, their genetic makeup puts them in the same sexual character as heterosexuals even though the plumbing is all wrong. Since heterosexuals can get married, it stands to reason that a third sex like homosexuality/lesbianism
There Are no Gay People, ‘Queers,’ or Transgenders
Definitions are everything in a debate. Controlling the language is crucial. People who engage in sex with people of the same sex are masters at manipulating the language to their advantage. It’s taken them time to chisel “gayness” as a state of being in granite, and they’ve nearly accomplished the
Jennifer Knapp, Shellfish, and the Defense of Homosexuality
I was asked the following question by a Facebook friend: “How do you argue against gay marriage when pro-gay marriage activists say that gay marriage is forbidden in the Old Testament, but so is [eating] shellfish. They try to say that along with gay marriage that other stuff like shellfish
Salon Writer: “There is no Message against Same-Sex Marriage”
I love a challenge. I’m competitive by nature. I hate to lose. So when I saw the headline that there is no message against same-sex marriage in the Bible, I felt a challenge coming on. Has somebody come up with an argument I’ve never encountered? I’ve read all the arguments
My Answer to Divinity School Professor about Saying No to Same-Sex Marriage
Dr. Bill Leonard is the founding dean and professor of Church History at the Wake Forest University School of Divinity, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. He holds the B.A. from Texas Wesleyan College (1968), the Master of Divinity from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (1971), and the PhD from Boston University (1975). He
Germans Can’t Say Having ‘Relations’ with Animals is Wrong
I’m no longer shocked by what I read in the news these days. What would have turned people’s stomachs 30 or 40 years ago, now these stories are met with a dismissive “Whatever.” The latest once-thought-to-be moral atrocity has to do with “zoophilia” (from the Greek zōion, meaning “animal,” from