“End-Time Fatigue” Has Hit an Iceberg … And That’s a Good Thing
With all the talk about Israel moving its capital to Jerusalem and how Pres. Trump is a modern-day Cyrus, you might be surprised to learn that something called “End-Time Fatigue” has settled in. “For many on the Christian right, the state of Israel has been seen as a key to

Are Tax Cuts Anti-Christian and Murderous?
Liberal Christians believe that tax cuts are sinful.

Stupid Rich New Yorkers Want their Taxes Raised
I thought it was a joke. But it’s not. Actually, it is a joke, but it’s not funny: “Some of the wealthiest New Yorkers are asking the state to raise their taxes. “Eighty people including George Soros, Steven Rockefeller and Abigail Disney wrote to lawmakers and Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo

‘Apocalyptic Islam’ Paving Way for ‘Islamic Messiah’
In addition to Sharia law and killing for Allah for a first-class ticket to the Islamic version of heaven with 72 virgins based on a reading in the hadith, there’s an end-of-the-world aspect to Islam. Here’s how Joel Rosenberg, author of a number prophecy books, has been addressing the topic

Will John Hagee’s Views on Israel Lead America to War?
“I am a student of world history,” John “Blood Moons” Hagee says, “and you can wrap up world history in 25 words or less and here it is: the nations that blessed Israel prospered and the nations that cursed Israel were destroyed by the hand of God. . . .

Crazed Hollywood Producer Wants Some Capitalists Shot
Terry Gilliam is a movie producer. He’s worth millions. CelebrityNetworth.com has him at about $40 million. He is dependent on people with money to make his living. The people he pays to help in the production of the films he produces make a lot of money. The actors who star

False Prophecy Teacher Still Making the Rounds
“Dubbed ‘Future Congress 2,’1a gathering of experts in various fields, promises to excite participants and speakers alike. A very special bonus will be the appearance of Hal Lindsey, considered to be the father of the modern Bible prophecy movement.” Prophecy is big business. Predicting the future sells a lot of