Obama Attacks and Censors Christianity but Praises Islam
President Obama claims to be a Christian. Claiming that Obama’s a Muslim will get you a seat on the nutter bench. Rush Limbaugh had some questions about the way President Obama seems to attack Christianity while praising Islam every chance he gets. Why did President Obama use his message at the
Islamic Terrorism Has Been Woven into the Fabric of Our Country
President Obama has said that “Islam has been woven into the fabric of our country since its founding.” For once, maybe twice, I have to agree with the President. America’s relationship with Islam goes back to its founding, but it’s not what the President is willing to reveal. The Barbary Muslim
Muslim Tells the Truth About Why Islam is a Failure and the West is Best
Finally, some truth about Islam from an Islamist. The following are excerpts from a sermon that Sheik Yousuf Al-Qaradhawi gave on Qatar TV a few years ago. Before you read what he had to say (or watch the video below), keep in mind that the way our nation is going,
Moderate Muslims Protest 9/11 Film but Ignore Christian Woman about to be Executed
So-called Moderate Muslims are protesting the 9/11 Museum because of the film “The Rise of Al Qaeda.” “An interfaith group is protesting a film called, ‘The Rise of Al Qaeda,’ that will be shown at the National September 11 Memorial Museum when it opens next month. “The advisory group is