‘Cruel and Unusual Punishment’: $135,000 Fine for Not Baking a Cake
By now you know that a bakery has been fined $135,000 for not baking a cake for a lesbian wedding. Let that sink in. It’s not that the bakery refused to bake a cake; it only refused to bake a cake with a particular message on it. Now we’re learning
Photoshopped Bruce Jenner is Being Used to Force us to Submit to the Perverse
The media are gushing over the cover of Vanity Fair magazine that shows one-time Olympic athlete and gold medal winner Bruce Jenner dressed up to look like a woman. This is supposed to convince us that transgenderism is real. Give me a break. Dressing a man to look like a
Muslims Throw Gays to Their Deaths, Gays Bankrupt People Who Disagree with Them
There’s a disturbing story coming out Syria reported by the Daily Mail: “A man has reportedly been blindfolded and thrown off a tower block in Syria for ‘being gay’ before being stoned to death after surviving the fall. “New images have emerged appearing to show ISIS militants hurling the man