What if it Had Been a Rainbow Flag Celebrating ‘Gay’ Rights?
What do think would have happened if a rainbow flag celebrating same-sex relationships and co-habitation had been put up and later was shouted down by neighbors? Hate speech. Bigots . . . Mandated sensitivity training . . . Marches . . . Protests . . . Possible legal action.
What happened when a homeowner raised a KKK flag?
“The KKK flag, infuriating some neighbors as it flapped in the wind outside of a West Boca Raton home, was taken down Wednesday night.
“The man, who hasn’t given his name, said he had every right to fly the flag as part of his freedom of speech. Code enforcement in the area agreed after visiting the home.
“But the flag is down Wednesday night, soon to be replaced with a Confederate flag.”
I don’t have any sympathy for the KKK and what the organization stands for. I also am of the opinion that people are free to believe what they want. I am not of the opinion that people are always free to act on those beliefs.
Notice that the man was told that he had not violated any law. As unpleasant as his opinions and actions are to most people, he has the right to express them, as should everybody.
If, however, this man dons a white sheet and harasses blacks, Jews, and minorities in the name of some perverted ideology, I’ll be the first one to stand in line to condemn his actions and see that something is done about it.
In the same way, I am opposed to lawmakers and homosexual advocacy groups who pass laws that mandate that I agree with same-sex sexuality and force me to comply with those beliefs in a tyrannical way.
Just like the printing company my business partner and I own would never print pro-KKK t-shirts, hats, or signs, we do not believe we should be forced to print pro-homosexual anything, including a rainbow flag.
And yet as the law reads in some states, our printing company would be free to refuse some service from people that wanted to promote a view contrary to our views like the KKK, but when it came to same-sex sexuality we could not refuse, and if we did, we would be sanctioned by the State.
Passing laws to force people to promote views they do not believe in is the first step in the long march toward tyranny. If the State can mandate compliance in one area, it can mandate compliance in any area.
I found it interesting that the ACLU issued a statement in defense of the man who posted the KKK flag but has not stepped up to the bar to defend people who refuse to express their opinions about same-sex sexuality.
“The First Amendment protects the right of people to express themselves – even in ways that are offensive and abhorrent – on their own property. We don’t believe the answer to ugly expression is less speech, but rather more speech: hopefully others in the community will use this moment as an opportunity to exercise their own First Amendment rights and express messages of tolerance and equality.”
The Anti-Defamation League also weighed in on the controversy, by condemning the KKK and what the organization stands for but also stating, “The First Amendment is a powerful constitutional right. It protects both mainstream speech and extremist speech.” Does this include a baker that does not want to bake a cake for a homosexual wedding?