Four Sheets of Parchment vs. 2032 Pages of Government Control
The Constitution of the United States was written on four sheets of parchment. If you count the Preamble and all 27 Amendments (there were originally only ten), it comes out to 20 typed pages. If you don’t count the signatures and amendments, you’ll have a document of 11 typed pages.
The Goal: Occupy the White House and Congress in 2012
While the Leftists are trying to punish the people who create jobs, Conservatives should stay focused on the real problem – Congress and the Presidency. While the leeches and special interest groups want to increase the power of government to make it more difficult for the producers to produce, Conservatives
‘Occupy the Cube!’: Wall Street Radicals and the Revival of the 1960s
Most of the people protesting on Wall Street don’t have a clue about what they are doing. We’re hearing a lot about corrupt corporations and bailed-out bankers. The media are ecstatic. I wonder when it will dawn on them that they work for big corporations. The protestors want to “occupy
Would Patrick Henry’s ‘Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death’ Speech Be Tolerated Today?
Mr. President, no man thinks more highly than I do of the patriotism, as well as the abilities, of the very worthy gentlemen who have just addressed the house. But different men often see the same subject in different lights; and therefore, I hope it will not be thought disrespectful
Big Oil is Not the Problem — High Taxes Are
Maxine Waters is blabbering about how bad the roads and bridges are. Of course, she is saying this so Americans will be scared to death and pressure their congressmen to pass the nearly half-trillion dollar so-called jobs bill. I want to know where all the taxes have gone that we’ve
Are Michael Moore and Roseanne Barr Promoting Violence?
The only funny thing Michael Moore ever did was the film Canadian Bacon (1995), and it wasn’t that funny. Critical reviews of Canadian Bacon were largely negative, with a 14% certified rotten rating on Rotten Tomatoes. The film is about the president’s handlers contrive a military threat from Canada in
We’re in Deep Trouble if these Survey Numbers are True
A new Barna Survey reveals shows that 48 percent of those surveyed rated President Obama’s honesty as “excellent” or “good” on a five-point scale. Nearly 70 percent gave the same ratings to Obama on the intelligence factor. The most shocking number is that 45 percent found Obama’s philosophy of government
Down with the Tea Party, Up with the Wall Street Protestors?
Have you been paying attention to the way that liberal commentators and politicians are praising and giving validity to the Occupy Wall Street protestors? These are the same people who described Tea Party members as being undemocratic, obstructionists, and terrorists. For example, Rep. Mike Doyle (D-Pa.), at a two-hour, closed-door
Is Obama’s Class Warfare Strategy Working with Americans?
In a video that has gone viral, Elizabeth Warren attempts to refute Republican charges that President Obama and the Democrats are engaged in a high-risk game of class warfare: “There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own. Nobody. You built a factory out there, good for
“Gay” Soldier was Not Booed for Being a Soldier
Stephen Hill is a self-admitted homosexual. How do we know? When he stood up to ask a question at the Republican debate held in Orlando, Florida, September 22, he opened his remarks with this statement: In 2010 when I was deployed to Iraq, I had to lie about who I
Roseanne Barr Wants to Execute Bankers
When comedian Tracy Morgan made some impolitic remarks about homosexuals, he was taken to the politically correct woodshed that had this banner posted over the door: “If you Don’t Recant, We’ll See to it that You Never Work in this Town Again.” Dutifully, Morgan recanted: “I want to apologize to
Beware of Political Messiahs
The continued support of Barack Obama is a reminder that most Americans still view politics in messianic terms. The excitement level in 1980 when Ronald Reagan came to office was surpassed only by Bill Clinton’s Hollywood‑engineered inauguration. Ronald Reagan was ridiculed for bringing a Hollywood persona to the presidency. Of
Democracy Will Not Save Muslim Nations
Anwar al-Awlaki, the latest Islamic terrorist to be killed by American forces, was born in the United States. His father, Nasser al-Aulaqi, was a Fulbright Scholar who earned a master’s degree in agricultural economics at New Mexico State University in 1971, received a doctorate at the University of Nebraska, and
We Have a Right to Protest
Sen. Barbara Boxer claimed that “Well-dressed” protesters at Town Hall meetings are out to “hurt our president.” House Majority leader Nancy Pelosi tried to argue that protesters are “carrying swastikas and symbols like that to a town meeting on healthcare.” A DNC attack ad called those who oppose the leftist
You’re a Racist if You Support Herman Cain
Damned if you do. Damned if you don’t. If you reject the policies of President Obama, you’re a racist. If you support the policies of Herman Cain, you’re a racist. What’s a “white” person to do? As soon as someone plays the race card, you know that they lost the
Politicians are Like Dirty Diapers
“Politicians are like diapers; they need to be changed often and for the same reason.” ― Mark Twain Your husband hears your five-week old baby crying. You know the problem. She has a dirty diaper. You know what needs to be done. Her diaper needs changing. You’re tired. The baby’s
Can You Guess What Dominionist Said This?
The Liberal Left has been in a feeding frenzy over what they describe as “dominionism” coming from the Republican presidential candidates. Michelle Goldberg was the first to throw blood in the water with this claim: Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry aren’t just devout — both have deep ties to a
Gestapo Tactics against American Churches
In a previous article on GodfatherPolitics, I pointed out that leftist groups are attacking churches that address social issues that are near and dear to liberals. These groups monitor broadcasts, websites, and sermons of Christian leaders that address any topic that is critical of a leftist agenda. We’ve seen these