
Let’s Begin Now to Replace GOP Leadership in the 2014 Election

Now is the time to begin a strategy to replace the GOP leadership in the House of Representatives in the 2014 election. This will mean finding good, viable candidates. They need to start campaigning in the next few weeks. They need to be people who can handle themselves in the press and not say stupid things.

I’d be willing to coach them.

We must be willing to help finance their campaigns. Many large Establishment Republican donors despise the Tea Party. They like Quantitative Easing and Corporate Welfare just as much as the Democrats. They just like it for their pet projects.

If there are two good candidates challenging an Establishment Republican in the primary, an agreement needs to made ahead of time for the second-tier candidate to dfrop out and support the better vote getter.

Sean Hannity is getting the ball rolling. I have never been much of a fan of Hannity’s show. I considered him to be too mainstream. He didn’t take risks. His boldness lately has been refreshing. It may be one of the reasons he was moved to the 10:00 PM spot on Fox.

The more liberal, pro-homosexual Megyan Kelly has taken Hannity’s 9:00 PM slot. We need to keep in mind that Fox Sports fired football star-turned-broadcaster Craig James because of his views on homosexual marriage.

Hannity has not backed off from his criticisms of the Republican Party. In fact, he’s turned it up a notch. Don’t think the Republican Establishment hasn’t something to Roger Ailes, president of Fox News, about it.

Here’s what Hannity said on yesterday’s show:

“I do think leadership in the House needs to change. . . I don’t think John Boehner is equipped for the job. I don’t think he has the stomach to negotiate. I don’t think he has the ability to communicate the positive, solution-oriented vision for the country.

“How hard is it? . . . Why aren’t these guys out there explaining what their vision is?”

The answer to that last question is easy to answer: They don’t have a vision. They’re in it for the power and prestige.

Hannity also tore into people like John McCain for attacking the TEA Party, the grassroots movement that gave the House its majority in 2010.

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