
Meet the Doctor Who Stopped ObamaCare Employer Mandate

Steven F. Hotze, M.D, of the Hotze Health and  Wellness Center, appeared again on Fox Business News Monday morning where he was credited with forcing the federal government to postpone the employer mandate because of his federal lawsuit against Obamacare.

Dr. Hotze has been involved in Texas politics his entire life. He knows that persistence is the name of the game.

I’ve known Steve for 30 years. He’s smart, well-connected, fearless, and tenacious, and yet he’s one of the most gracious people you will ever meet.

He knows how to win.

Being involved in Houston and Texas politics, he has seen how the Democrats never quit. They fight even when they’re kicked to the ground.

Conservatives give up too easily. It’s not that their ideas don’t win; it’s that so many politicians don’t fight hard for their ideas. Too many of them like the public adulation and the perks that come with them more than the principles that got them to elected office.

Dr. Hotze says it best:

“We must keep hammering away at ObamaCare. It is starting to unravel. Let’s press the battle to its successful conclusion.”

As Dr. Hotze points out, this is only the first battle. There is a longer war to be foughtMore employers need to join this fight.

There’s strength in numbers.

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