What Would Happen to Women’s Health if Planned Parenthood Were Defunded?
Statistics are stubborn things, especially when they are backed up with facts. The folks at Planned Parenthood and their apologists continue to claim that removing all tax-payer funding for the organization would jeopardize women’s health.
Of course, killing an unborn baby is not healthcare. That fact has already been established, but it’s the one thing that those in the extreme media do not want to deal with. Instead, they nibble around the edges by feeding the American people the Planned Parenthood narrative that (1) only a very small percentage of what they do is abortion related, and (2) if Planned Parenthood went away women’s healthcare would be jeopardized.
And why shouldn’t the media push the Planned Parenthood since the bloody organization rewards the media for reporting favorably about the organization?
“While the media stay away from the recent videos exposing Planned Parenthood’s trafficking of aborted baby parts, they are drawn to Planned Parenthood’s annual media awards ceremony. During Planned Parenthood’s Maggie Awards for Media Excellence . . . , the abortion giant recognized 16 journalists for pushing ‘reproductive rights.’ . . .
“Those include Cosmopolitan.com’s Jill Filipovic, for TV & Online Reporting; left-wing magazine The Nation, for Excellence In Media, and TeenVogue.com’s Phillip Picardi, for Youth Media. Salon’s Valerie Tarico won Outstanding Individual Commentary for a piece undercutting liberal claims that no one is pro-abortion. Her story was titled: ‘I am pro-abortion, not just pro-choice: 10 reasons why we must support the procedure and the choice.’”
Will non-abortion related services to woman be jeopardized if $500 million in stolen tax-payer dollars was stripped from the organization? As I said facts are stubborn things as this very short video shows: