Is It Time to Abandon the Republican Party?
We’re hearing about third parties again. Mark Levin has said that “he’s one inch away from leaving” the Republican Party. Matt Barber has written “I Am No Longer a Republican.” In the second paragraph of his article (you can read it here on Godfather Politics), he writes:
“Even before the gavel has sounded on the Republican-led 114th Congress, these treacherous cowards shamelessly, eagerly, it seems, squandered perhaps the one opportunity they had to stop, in his tracks, America’s first cultural Marxist, anti-American, palpably evil president.”
There is a key point in what Matt Barber writes. The effects of the 2014 election are not yet in play. Yes, I realize the GOP Establishment despises the Tea Party and is doing everything to neutralize its impact. Before any decisions are made about abandoning the GOP, however, let’s at least wait until we learn what this new crop is going to do.
We need to recall that not a single Republican voted for Obamacare. Half of the Senators who voted for Obamacare will not be a part of the new Senate. This is some type of progress. is the glass half full or half empty?
Did any of us actually think that Boehner and McConnell were going to have a Damascus Road political experience when they saw the 2014 election results? I didn’t.
Will this new crop of congressmen create a conservative minority and caucus with those in the House and Senate who want to fight the Republican Establishment? If this happens, the GOP Establishment will be hamstrung. Hopefully the current crop of conservatives in Congress are contacting the upcoming arrivals and putting together an adversary party within the GOP.
Being subversive from the inside is the best approach.
At this point in time, we are stuck with a two-party system. Deal with it. If radical leftists were able to take over the Democrat Party and a mini-Republican Revolution was started by Reagan in 1980 and revived congressionally in 1994 and 1996, I can’t understand why we would not put our efforts into taking over the Republican Party. If we can’t take over an existing party, what makes us think we’re going to be able to start a new party?
The old adage that you can’t change just one thing applies here. First, a two to six-year election process needs to begin now to capture the Senate and the House by picking the most vulnerable political party. Right now, that’s the GOP. We’ve had great success. The November 2014 election is a shining example of that success. Let’s not forget that they’re not in office yet. The GOP Establishment is afraid of them; that’s why they rigged the game before they’re sworn in.
Second, begin to recruit and groom candidates who will run as reform candidates on a unified competing political platform within the GOP. It would help to find candidates who have political experience and some name recognition.
Third, bloggers and websites should be started immediately to lay out the specifics of the new platform. Use the web to get around the political gatekeepers.
Fourth, build a giant email list of donors, bloggers, information gatherers, and propagators of the party-within-the-party takeover movement.
Fifth, keep the kooks from taking over the process. The Bible says, “be wise as serpents and gentle as doves.” As Bobby Darin said, “People hear what they see.” Don’t give anybody a reason to reject a position other than the position itself.
Sixth, the energy and success behind the effort will encourage other candidates to jump on board and energize the base. We might even get a good presidential candidate out of the process. Talk about abandoning the process when we’ve just scored a major victory is foolish and short-sighted.
The Establishment Republicans want the Tea Party types to abandon the GOP. It’s what they’re hoping for. Don’t give them the satisfaction. Take over the party like they did.
Will the malcontents follow this strategy? Probably not. They will bellyache about how bad the candidates and the two-party system are then tell those who don’t vote for one of their miracle candidates that they are not voting in terms of principle.
The Republicans and Democrats are in power because they’ve worked at it. If you want to revamp the political system, it’s going to take a lot of hard work and very few miracles. Are you up to the task?