Prophets Who Cry “Wolf!” Will Eventually Be Eaten
History is filled with prophecy speculators who claimed that some form of the end was on the horizon. “When Mark Twain was in London, a rumor of his death or imminent death reached the editor of the New York Journal, who sent its London correspondent the following cablegrams: ‘IF MARK
If You Believe the End of the World Will Happen on Sept. 23, Sign Over All Your Assets to Me Effective Sept. 24
A few years ago I received an email from someone who made a prediction about when the end would come. I told him that if he was serious that he would sign over his assets to me effective on the day after he was sure the end would come. He
Prophetic Speculation and Its Enthusiastic Followers
There is a great deal of prophetic speculation going on that has been going on for centuries and it’s dentralizing Christians.
What’s the Cause of the Recent Hurricanes and Earthquake? Judgment? Last Days?
When we experience devastating natural disasters, people often ask, “Why”? Some blame or give credit to God. Others make political statements, like Jennifer Lawrence who said, “You’re watching these hurricanes now, and it’s really hard … not to feel Mother Nature’s rage or wrath.” There is no such thing as Mother Nature.
“Wars and Rumors of Wars”: Signs of the End?
50 Nobel Prize winners have spoken. It’s the end of the world as we know it, but they don’t feel fine. In a survey, the brainiacs revealed fears that nuclear war, environmental disaster, and even Facebook pose a risk to the future of our species. War is always on the
“Let the Dead Bury Their Dead”
This past Sunday (8/13/17) I heard a sermon on Luke 9:57-62. Verses 59-60 are important for the following discussion: As they were going along the road, someone said to Him, “I will follow You wherever You go.” And Jesus said to him, “The foxes have holes and the birds of the