Is There a Defense for Using Strong Language in an Argument?
Is harsh rhetoric a bad thing? Are there times when it’s OK to let loose with the truth in a way that disturbs some people? I have a saying: “Don’t give anyone a reason to reject your position other than the position itself.” But sometimes reasoned arguments aren’t enough. Often,

We Should Have Won the War on the Unborn a Long Time Ago
Liberals win because they fight. Liberals win because they don’t quit. Liberals win because they believe in what they’re fighting for. Over the years, I’ve noticed that Christians don’t know how to fight even though the Bible says that we are to put on “the full armor of God.” Finally,

Bible Prophecy in the White House
Mike Pompeo told an audience in Cairo that “he had come to the region as ‘as an evangelical Christian.” That’s OK. Glad to hear it. But then there’s this: In his speech at the American University in Cairo, Pompeo said that in his state department office: “I keep a Bible

Communism Needs to be Defeated Again
The following article is from Jerry Newcombe who is the on-air host/senior producer for D. James Kennedy Ministries. Thirty years ago, the good guys won the Cold War, yet today we have a frontrunner candidate for president, Bernie Sanders, who is an out-of-the closet socialist. He loved the old Soviet

What the Left Has in Store For Us
Donald Trump saved us from Hillary Clinton and the Leftist cabal in 2016. Like so many past victories won by the GOP and its supporters, a won battle is believed to be a won war. It’s not. I saw the same thing happen in 1980 when Ronald Reagan wiped out the

Rabbi Warns of Biblical Gog and Magog War in Israel
WND reports that “over the weekend, Palestinians in Gaza fired hundreds of rockets into Israel, and Israel responded with strategic attacks on terrorist camps. It’s happened before and likely will again. But a prominent rabbi warns that one of these times, it’s not going to end easily, because it will

Confirm Kavanaugh and Tell His Accuser to Take Her Case to Court
There is no way to please or appease the Democrats. It’s about time the Republicans learn this lesson. If the Ford-Kavanaugh hearing and subsequent delay tactics have done is expose the Democrats as a power-hungry mob. they can’t wait to get their hands on the reins of political power again. Democrats

What I Like Most About Pres. Trump and You Should Too
The first thing I like about Pres. Trump is that he defeated Hillary Clinton. I can’t imagine what it would be like today if Hillary had won. I’m convinced that all the shenanigans the Clintons were involved in over the years, especially this latest Russian uranium deal, were done because

Carter and Democrats Asked Soviets to Stop Reagan
The Democrats have all of a sudden taken an interest in Russia. Where were they when Hillary and Bill Clinton were making big bucks with the Russians when she was Secretary of State? Are we to believe that there was no quid pro quo?: 1. Hillary Clinton approved the transfer

Ronald Reagan Tells A Heckler To ‘Shutup’
Ronald Reagan was not the perfect President, but he knew how to control an audience and put down a heckler. He wasn’t afraid to speak from the heart and the gut. While Donald Trump is wrong on so many issues, he is right on the way he has taken on

This is the Reason Millions of People like Trump and Despise the GOP Establishment
“Sunday on Fox News Channel’s ‘Fox & Friends’ Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said if the Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton attacks him as sexist, it is ‘fair game’ to bring up her husband former President Bill Clinton’s indiscretions.” (H/T: Breitbart) This is why people like Trump, even though they know he’s not

Star Wars VII and How Tyranny Returns: From Carter to Obama
The following three sentences from Ben Domenech’s article “The New Star Wars Trailer, Analyzed” caught my attention: The internet comment threads are filled with frustrated confusion about this. How can people forget about the Jedi a mere thirty years after they orchestrated the collapse of the Empire? Did they all

Michele Bachmann Claims Iran Deal is the Fulfillment of End Times Prophecy
Earlier this month, former Minnesota Republican Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, declared “that the nuclear agreement reached between Iran, the United States and five other world powers is nothing more than the fulfillment of End Times prophecy found in the Bible, and added that the world will likely see the ‘strong right

Another Bush in the White House Would be a Disaster for America
Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think the day would come that I would agree with Democrat operative James “The Ragin’ Cajun” Carville. But I’m with him on this one. We don’t need, and hopefully the majority of Americans agree, and we don’t want another Bush in the

Democrat Calls for Regulation of Internet Political Speech
President Obama said “you didn’t build that.” And since under his delusional view of the world, what has not been built by us should be controlled by the State to keep the State empowered. Ronald Reagan captured the essence of this type of thinking when he said: “Government’s view of

Dividing California into Six States May Not be a Good Idea
A call to divide California into six states is getting a lot of attention. “Silicon Valley venture capitalist Tim Draper claims ‘political representation of California’s diverse population and economies has rendered the state nearly ungovernable.’” The office of California’s Secretary of State gave the go head to collect petition signatures.

‘Hillary Clinton is the Antichrist’
Republican candidate for Congress in Montana, state Sen. Ryan Zinke, compared former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to the antichrist. Hillary Clinton is a real threat to liberty and freedom in the world, but is she the biblical antichrist? “At his campaign kickoff event, according to the Bigfork Eagle, Zinke

My Pro-Active Non-Government Plan to Repeal and Replace ObamaCare
Republicans are always portrayed as being against anything the Democrats propose, and this includes ObamaCare. As the saying goes, “You can’t beat something with nothing.” The GOP comes across as naysayers with few viable alternatives. Part of the problem for Republicans is that they are generally against government solutions. It’s