15 Sep 2015

Liberal Admits Liberal Journalists Ignorant About Religion

A couple of items in the news confirmed what religious conservatives have known for a long time. First, liberal journalists aren’t very religious. Second, they are ignorant about religion. Third, they believe, according to Paul Waldman who wrote on The Washington Post’s Plum Line blog, that “religious conservatives” are trying

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
18 Mar 2014

US Professor Lawrence Torcello Says Climate Change Skeptics Should Be Jailed

How many times have we read in textbooks and popular historical accounts of how the Roman Catholic Church jailed and even executed people who denied the church’s scientific views? Most if not all of these claims are fiction, but they are used nevertheless. Lawrence Torcello, assistant professor of philosophy at

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
02 Nov 2013

2014 Could be the Year of the Tea Party

I love off-year elections. The majority of low-information voters don’t vote. Unfortunately, a lot of conservatives also don’t vote even thought an off-year election is the best way to scuttle the Democrats and defeat some RINOs. Think 2010 when the Tea Party showed its muscle. Compare it to 2012 when

Gary DeMar 0 Read More