Why Middle East Violence is Not Evidence the ‘Rapture’ or the End of the World is Near
Once again, the Bible is being interpreted through the lens of current events. The Christian Post reports: “Nearly eight out of 10 Evangelicals say they believe the ongoing violence in the Middle East is an indication that the rapture is on the horizon, a new survey released Friday shows. “Research

Is End Times Thinking Causing Political Indifference?
I thought we had learned our lesson from people like Edgar Whisenant, who claimed there were 88 reasons why the “rapture” would take place in 1988, as well as Hal Lindsey and Chuck Smith who argued in a similar way. Let’s not forget Harold Camping who made predicting the end

Does the Death of Ariel Sharon Mean the Return of Jesus is Suddenly Imminent?
The short answer is “no,” but it won’t stop people from trying to make a prophetic connection between the death of Ariel Sharon and the return of Jesus Christ. The speculation is being energized by Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri who died shortly after Sharon suffered a stroke in 2006 that put