21 Nov 2014

Democrat Activist and Donor Indicted for Having Sex with 15-Year-Old Boy

The way to cover yourself when you are doing something sinister is to hide behind something noble. It’s no surprise that many homosexuals enter the priesthood. They do it for cover and access to impressionable boys. Who would ever suspect a priest of wrongdoing? Hollywood actor Pat O’Brien, the film

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
23 Oct 2013

Former Child Star Corey Feldman Says Sex With Children Common in Hollywood

Former child star Corey Feldman has just published his memoir Coreyography. Feldman starred in hit movies like Stand By Me, The Lost Boys, Gremlins, The Goonies, and The Burbs. Feldman opens up about his drug abuse and how pedophilia is common in Hollywood. You may recall that Penn State’s Jerry

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
17 Jul 2012

The Boy Scouts Stand Their Ground and Oppose the ‘Gay’ Agenda

For years the Boy Scouts of America has been pressured to allow homosexuals to serve as Scout leaders. After what is described “as a wide-ranging internal review, the century-old organization followed its principles, rejected arguments from pro-homosexual advocates, and reaffirmed its longtime anti-homosexual policy. I suspect that the Jerry Sandusky

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
11 Nov 2011

Penn State, the Catholic Church, and ‘Glee’

The Penn State sex scandal has rocked not only the sport’s world but everybody’s world. As the story unfolds, the specifics get worse and worse. Jerry Sandusky, a former defensive coordinators for Penn State University’s football team, is rumored to have been “pimping out young boys to rich donors,” says Pittsburgh

Gary DeMar 0 Read More