The Christmas Story is Not about a Refugee Family
For years liberals have tried to make the Christmas story about a homeless couple. Jesse Jackson was the first to turn Joseph and Mary into a “homeless couple” when he claimed that Christmas “is not about Santa Claus and ‘Jingle Bells’ and fruit cake and eggnog,” of which all Christians

Obama Says Christmas Story is About Illegal Aliens
President Obama was on the road quoting the Bible again. This time he was equating Mary and Joseph to illegal aliens and strangers. Liberals love to quote the Bible when it suits them. They denounce the Bible because of its very clear stand against same-sex sexuality, but claim that it

Christmas is Not About a Homeless Couple
Have you noticed that when a Democrat is in the White House, there are no homelessness people or homeless couples? It’s only when a Republican occupies the White House that there are news stories about the homelessness. The Advent story is turned into a political message about homelessness and how

Christmas is Not about a Homeless Couple
Today is “Black Friday,” as to be “in the black rather than in the red.” Retailers look forward to this day even if employees don’t. People have been camping out to get those special deals. My wife prefers to shop early and online. With Congress wrangling over amnesty for illegal