Atheists Need Christianity So They Can Account for Goodness, Love, and Justice
What happens to the children of parents who espoused the Christian faith? Franky Schaeffer has repudiated his father’s work and his own work he did with and for his father. Josh Harris has denounced the faith of his father, Greg Harris. Jonathan Merritt is promoting same-sex everything. His father is
You Can’t Be an American and be an Atheist
The folks at the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) want to rid the country of every vestige of religion from every facet of society and make the nation officially atheistic. They contend that the Constitution requires it based on a tortured reading of the First Amendment and a rewriting of
The Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy and Rewriting American History
I’m in Phoenix at the moment about to speak on the topic of “A Nation ‘Under God’: Hype, Hysteria, or Heritage?” If you listen to groups like the Freedom from Religion Foundation that sued the IRS to get it to monitor churches on the political content of their sermons, a
Atheists Work with IRS to Dismantle First Amendment and Attack Churches
The following is from Freedom Outpost: “The Internal Revenue Service settled a 2012 lawsuit brought by the Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRM). The lawsuit was settled after the IRS agreed to monitor what is said in houses of worship.” Monitoring churches is something the Nazis did. When German anti-Nazi theologian