‘President Obama, It’s Not Your Money!’
President Obama has decreed that he is going to tax people who make over $250,000 at a higher rate than people making less, and millions of people are OK with it. How did we get to the place when elected officials can tax American citizens at disproportionate rates to pay
Democrats Are Creating a Permanent Underclass that will Keep Them in Power
Rep. Chaka Fattah, a Democrat from Pennsylvania, said the following on Al Sharpton’s program: “We’re headed in the right direction. Unemployment continues to drop and those people who are unemployed, they’re not going to be voting for the party who wants to cut their benefits, cut access to food stamps,
Progressive Taxation and Wealth Distribution are Slavery
In Abraham Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address, he said the following about slavery: “It may seem strange that any men should dare to ask a just God’s assistance in wringing their bread from the sweat of other men’s faces.” How is it morally justifiable to steal men and women, enslave them,
Obama’s Winning Election Strategy Revealed
When someone has to use a teleprompter all the time, it’s because he doesn’t believe what he’s reading. The words are not his own. People who know and believe a certain way don’t need notes. You know they believe what they’re saying because the words roll of their tongue. There
Obama Wants a Mobocracy that He Controls
“We Are What Democracy Looks Like!” is a popular slogan and sign used by the Occupiers. If mob rule is the definition of democracy, then they are right. The thing of it is, America is not a democracy. Sure, there are democratic elements in our system of government, but Article
Out of the Frying Pan and Into the Fire
Protesting what our government does without a long-term purpose and plan is foolish and dangerous. It opens the door to political messiahism, the belief that if we get a new ruler, president, congress, or whatever, everything will be OK. Look what’s going on in Egypt and Libya. Out of the
Democracy Will Not Save Muslim Nations
Anwar al-Awlaki, the latest Islamic terrorist to be killed by American forces, was born in the United States. His father, Nasser al-Aulaqi, was a Fulbright Scholar who earned a master’s degree in agricultural economics at New Mexico State University in 1971, received a doctorate at the University of Nebraska, and
Can Democracy Save Egypt and Syria?
Islam is a worldview masquerading as a religion intent on world domination through fear, terror, and the ballot box. The talk from both ends of the political spectrum is that “democracy” will cure the ills of Iraq, Iran, Egypt, and the surrounding Muslim nations. What if the revolutionaries Egypt decide
The Scourge of Unbridled Islamic Democracy
The Middle East will never be made right by force. Competing Islamic groups often gain the trust of the United States only to turn on their benefactors once their sworn Islamic enemies are vanquished with the help of the US military. It happened when our embassy in Iraq was overrun