Personal Peace and Affluence Determines Whether an Unborn Baby Lives or Dies
My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away. — From Percy Shelley’s “Ozymandias” If you’ve ever wondered why some people do horrible
Does ‘X-Mas’ Take ‘Christ’ Out of Christmas?
The use of x-mas is not designed to take Jesus Christ out of Christmas.
‘This World Is Not Your Home.’ True or False?
I saw the following posted on Facebook. A number of Christians responded with “Amen”: “This world is not your home. God is your father. Heaven is your home. You’re going there. Be hopeful.” — John Piper Too many Christians are caught between “This World Is Not My Home” (false) and
Being Wrong About the Olivet Discourse Will Make You Wrong about All Bible Prophecy
In his book The Second Coming: Signs of Christ’s Return and the End of the Age, John MacArthur seems to go out of his way to avoid having to deal with the inherent problems of his prophetic system. Here’s just one example: [N]otice Christ’s only explicit remarks about the destruction
Dominion: How the Christian Revolution Remade the World
It’s refreshing to read a new book by an accomplished historian whose reputation is regarded by many in the academic world change his mind about something as significant as the impact that Christianity has had on the building of Western Civilization. The following is from Marvin Olasky. Olasky, a former
Should Christians Stop Discussing Politics So We Don’t Offend People?
A new Barna study claims, “Just 30% of Americans Have a Positive View of Evangelicals.” Digging deeper in the study, one finds this: “Though there are some very polarized opinions about evangelicals and their politics, many Americans don’t know what to think about the demographic. According to the study, 46
When Does the Bible Say Life Begins?
The Bible, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, who claims to be married to a man, justifies abortion up to the point of birth because “there’s [sic] so many parts of the Bible that associate the beginning of life with breath.” Is this true? Does the Bible support this view? About as much
Leftists Want to Control Everything
One of the first freedoms found in the First Amendment is “freedom of the press.” The design of this amendment was not so the press could report anything it wanted or leave some things unreported. The goal was so the press would report accurately no matter what political party was
Long-Time Friend Unfriends Me Over Trump Support
I put up a reality check on my Facebook page about how Democrat Congressman Earl Blumenauer, was intimidating one of the Democrat’s witnesses who was testifying at the impeachment hearings by calling on Americans to “boycott Provenance properties—including six hotels in downtown Portland—until Sondland testified in a congressional impeachment inquiry.”
Today’s Judges Have Become Our New Gods
This week I received an email from a reporter at The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Here’s what she wrote: I’m a reporter with The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. I’m working on a story about transgender students pegged to the appeal of an 11th Circuit Court ruling that allows transgender students to use a bathroom
Welcome to My World of Dealing with Bible Prophecy ‘Experts’
I don’t claim to be a Bible prophecy expert. All I claim to be is someone who has looked at Bible prophecy passages and compared them with other similar passages. I’ve done this for more than 40 years. One critic of a video I posted was critical of my comments
The ‘Rapture’ is a Package Deal With a Major Problem
As I’ve mentioned in other places, there are five rapture positions. They depend on the belief that the 70th week (seven years) of Daniel’s seventy weeks of years prophecy (490 years) has been postponed. Those who hold to a pre-tribulation rapture position believe the rapture of the church will take
The Judgment Comings in the Bible May Not be What You Think
When the Bible uses the word “coming,” translated from the Greek words parousia (παρουσία) and erchomai (ἔρχομαι). The Greek word parousia (παρουσία) is more accurately translated as “presence” where it is used 24 times in the New Testament. Of these, six uses refer to the physical presence of individuals: Stephanas, Fortunatus,
Revolutionary War Silhouettes Cause Freakout
The following article is by Jerry Newcombe The English poet Steve Turner once observed, “History repeats itself. It has to. No one is listening.” I think this applies very well to American history. The average American today is grossly ignorant of our history and we fall prey too often to
Ancient Child Sacrifice: The Legacy of Modern Abortion
The following article was written by Brian Godawa. I have recently done some research on child sacrifice in the Bible for the sake of a novel I am writing about Queen Jezebel and ancient Israel in the ninth-century B.C. Most readers of the Bible do not find it controversial that
Is There a Defense for Using Strong Language in an Argument?
Is harsh rhetoric a bad thing? Are there times when it’s OK to let loose with the truth in a way that disturbs some people? I have a saying: “Don’t give anyone a reason to reject your position other than the position itself.” But sometimes reasoned arguments aren’t enough. Often,
The Jezebellian Nature of Leftist politics
Hillary Clinton is at it again. She claims to be a Christian and often quotes from the Bible. In June of 2018, she condemned “those who selectively use the Bible to justify” their political decisions, something she and her follow-Democrats do all the time. She claimed that the Bible is
The Ethical Consequences of Darwin’s Dangerous Idea
Are some people insane or just becoming more consistent? Every day there is a new story of some whacky group protesting some corporate indiscretion like the use of plastic straws and plastic eating utensils. I can assure you that there are more troubling issues to confront. What’s going on? What’s