No, Rudy Giuliani: Social Issues Aren’t the ‘Soft Underbelly’ of GOP Campaign
Here we go again. If only Republicans would dump the social issues, you know, like opposing killing unborn babies and being against the idea that people of the same sex should marry.
That’s the view of former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani.
“My opponent started focusing on that I was pro-choice,” said Giuliani. “Donald [Trump] announced he is pro-life, which is easier in the primary. I’m pro-gay rights. At the time gay marriage wasn’t a big issue. I’m now pro-gay marriage. I signed the first partnership bill ever signed by anyone.”
He’s so pro-abortion that he doesn’t even oppose partial birth abortion.
Is it any wonder that Giuliani was not a viable candidate? He could never get out of the starting gate because of these two issues. In the general election, the evangelical wing of the party would have stayed home. He would have lost bigger than McCain and Romney.
Race was the social issue of the 1950s and 1960s. Would he have given the same advice because race was a divisive political issue? It was the right moral issue that built the Democrat Party.
When these two moral issues are described and explained well, opposition to them goes way beyond 50 percent. When 30 states voted on the issue of same-sex marriage, they voted against it. In fact, many states wrote their opposition in their constitutions.
Here’s an example from Kentucky’s constitution that won with 74.55 percent of the vote with more than 50 percent of registered voters participating:
Only a marriage between one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in Kentucky. A legal status identical or substantially similar to that of marriage for unmarried individuals shall not be valid or recognized.
Same-sex marriage has advanced in the United States because of unelected judges not the people.
There has been a dramatic shift on the abortion issue. The majority of people oppose most abortions. If the mainstream media had made the Planned Parenthood videos part of their nightly news broadcasts and the press had put the story on the front page of their papers, there would have been a national outcry against abortion.
What does Rudy think would happen if the GOP capitulated on these two fundamental issues, the two issues that built the conservative wing of the party and gave it major victories when the party actually focused on them?
Giuliani argues that the party should focus on the economy and national security. Yeah, right. Generally speaking, the true fiscal conservatives are the same people who oppose abortion and same-sex sexuality. What has the more moderate wing of the party done on fiscal policies? Almost nothing.
It’s the conservative base that’s holding the party together with chewing gum and rubber bands. They’re already ticked off over fiscal capitulation. What does Giuliani think is going to happen of the party abandons them on moral issues?
Republicans would only be visitors at the White House since the conservative base would abandon the party.
Look what happened in 2012. Millions of conservative voters decided not to vote. It was the conservative voters in the 2014 election that gave the House and Senate to the GOP.
Rudy has said, “I’m anti-abortion personally but I’m pro-choice.” I’m sure some anti-slavery politicians said the same thing.
It’s no wonder that Rudy Giuliani is a political has-been.