What if Nazis Had Sued Jewish Film Crew for Secretly Filming Nazi Death Camps? Let’s Ask Planned Parenthood
The Nazis had been threatening to file suit against clandestine Jews who filmed what was going on the Nazi death camps.
They resorted to calling the films “discredited” even though no one has discredited them at all, and even though they clearly show the Nazi regime discussing how Jews were being systematically exterminated as part of a “final solution.”
What’s interesting is that the Nazis did not sue for slander or libel, which is to say, they did not claim (as far as I can tell) that anything in the films is actually false. They are merely claimed that the films’ subject matter was obtained in violation of applicable Nazi State privacy and trespassing laws.
In other words, the Nazi regime did not deny that they exterminated Jews, they just objected to how the underground film crew went about proving that fact.
Sound familiar? It should. I just changed Planned Parenthood to Nazis, and aborted babies to exterminated Jews.
My revision is based on the following article at Red State:
“Planned Parenthood has been threatening this for months, but today they made it official by filing suit against the Center for Medical Progress, the group that caught them on video repeatedly admitting that they sold aborted baby parts. Democrats responded to the videos by pretending shock at the idea that video could be edited, even though CMP also released the full, unedited video concurrent with each release of a produced video.
“They have since resorted to calling the videos ‘discredited’ even though no one has discredited them at all, and even though they clearly show Planned Parenthood employees in their own words discussing the sale of aborted fetal tissue.
“What’s interesting is that Planned Parenthood has NOT sued CMP for slander or libel, which is to say, they are not claiming (as far as I can tell) that anything in the videos is actually false. They are merely claiming that the recordings were obtained in violation of applicable State and Federal privacy laws.
“In other words, Planned Parenthood does not deny that they sold (and continue to sell) baby parts, they just object to how CMP went about proving that fact.”
Don’t say “It can’t happen here” and “Never Again.” It’s happening here and now. Only the subjects, perpetrators, and enablers have changed.