Here’s Another Reason Why Mitt Romney Will Most Likely Lose in November
Mitt Romney has RomneyCare, flip flopping, and a lack of true conservative convictions to contend with in his attempt to win over conservative and evangelical voters. It doesn’t help that he succumbs to the latest liberal political fads – the support of homosexual relationships, and this from a man who’s all about “family values.” And I don’t mean family values as redefined by the liberal establishment that includes homosexual marriage.
Romney’s decision to hire foreign policy spokesman Richard Grenell, a self-avowed homosexual — described by Bryan Fischer, host of the radio program Focal Point, as an “out & loud gay” — is sending a “message to the pro-family community” to “drop dead.”
Since Romney has more or less sewn up the Republican nomination, a number of evangelical leaders and conservatives in general have gotten behind him. This latest appointment by Romney may kill the deal. I’m curious to see what Mark DeMoss, who is the evangelical liaison for Mitt Romney, is going to say about the Grenell appointment. DeMoss is on the board of directors of Liberty University. He’s probably the one who arranged to have Romney speak at the Christian university where there’s something of a revolt going on among the students.
Doug Wead writes:
To announce [that Romney was going to speak at Liberty] on the same day as the Richard Grenell announcement is a clumsy attempt to show respect to both the evangelical and gay communities. Instead it shows that the Romney campaign understands neither one.
If Romney thought he was going to gain some support in the very small homosexual community by appointing the openly homosexual Grenell as his national security and foreign policy spokesman and then accepting an invitation to speak at Liberty University, he’s delusional.
Grenell has another problem: He has an anti-woman mean streak and peppers his comments with sexual innuendo. In a tweet, Michael Calderone writes, that Grenell advised “MSNBC host Rachel Maddow ‘to take a breath and put on a necklace,’ and another suggesting she resembled a Justin Bieber. In another tweet, Grenell wrote that ‘Hillary is starting to look like Madeline [sic] Albright.’ He discussed First Lady Michelle Obama working out and ‘sweating on the East Room carpet.’ He also asked whether Callista Gingrich’s ‘hair snaps on,’ and on another occasion, commented how Gingrich’s third wife ‘stands there like she is wife #1.’”
While I’m not a big fan of the Reuters news service, it’s telling that veteran reporter Irwin Arieff is “appalled to hear that the Romney campaign has hired Mr. Grenell in any capacity.” In an email response, Arieff, who worked over two decades at Reuters, including seven years covering the U.N, said he found Grenell “to be the most dishonest and deceptive press person I ever worked with.”
Grenell did the only thing he could do in an attempt to stay in the game; he removed what comments he could from the internet. Are we to believe that this is the best Romney can do? There’s no one else out there who can do the job Grenell was hired to do?
If Romney doesn’t want to lose in November, he better surround himself with people who believe in a moral center and a small governmental foot print.