
Harry Reid Must Have Been High on Coke During His Koch Brothers Rant

Harry Reid (D-NV) took to the Senate floor to denounce the Koch Brothers. He claimed that Republicans are “high on Koch” claiming falsely (naturally) that the only big political donors come from conservatives.

A list put out by has a list of the 156 “Top All-Time Donors, 1989-2014.” The top donor, coming in at nearly $100 million is ActBlue that gives 99 percent of its money to . . . Democrats. Next on the list is the American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees. It’s a union. It donates 81 percent of its money to – once again – Democrats.

Others in the top 10 are evenly split between Democrats and Republicans.

Another almost exclusively Democrat donor is another union — International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. The United Auto Workers is next. The Republicans didn’t get a penny. Numbers 8-14 give almost exclusively to Democrats.Donor list

Where do the Koch brothers appear on the list? Koch Industries is No. 59 giving a grand total of $18 million which is one-fifth of what ActBlue has given. Former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg donated more than $19 million in the past two years.

The OpenSecrets “list does not include casino magnate Sheldon Adelson. He and his wife Miriam donated nearly $93 million in 2012 alone to conservative super PACs — enough to put him at No. 2 on this list.”

It may be that Sen. Reid doesn’t want to upset the Adelsons since they’re from his home state of Nevada.

But the Adelsons are balanced out by liberal billionaire Tom Steyer who announced that he will use his organization Next Generation Climate Action to pour $100 million into the 2014 election.

Reid is notorious for making things up. You may remember his claim that all ObamaCare horror stories were untrue. Not some. All.

The following video from The Blaze nicely sums up the real story:

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