Eliminate Corporate Taxes and Save the Economy!
When Mitt Romney said “corporations are people,” the Leftist Democrat Dominionists went crazy. How could he make such an absurd statement? How can an impersonal gigantic corporation be a person? For the simple reason that a corporation is “group of people authorized to act as a single entity (legally a person) and recognized as such in law.”
Not only are those on the Left out of touch with the Constitution, they are completely ignorant of economics and the way a business operates.
Corporations are owned by lots of individuals. If you are invested in a mutual fund, then you are a part owner in a number of corporations. The corporation acts as a single person in all legal transactions, but it is potentially owned by millions of people in the form of stock.
When Leftist Democrat Dominionists want corporations to pay more taxes, they foolishly are asking the government to raise their own taxes because corporations don’t pay any taxes. Taxes are considered an expense similar to what a company pays for utilities, fuel, raw materials, research and development, travel, and everything else it spends to do business. Every expense is calculated and added to the price of the things a corporation sells. Anyone who buys what a corporation sells is indirectly paying the corporation’s tax bill and all its other expenses, including the salaries of its employees.
To show you that liberals don’t understand any of this, read the following:
Further proving that [Rick Perry] cares more about corporations than people, and that he believes in the foolish theory of ‘trickle-down’ economics, Texas Governor Rick Perry went on record today saying that a 35% tax rate on corporations (which most of them don’t even pay) is too high, and that we should lower it to zero percent in order to get them to start creating jobs.
If the nut job who wrote this is invested in any large business, he is asking the government to raise his taxes. It’s true that General Electric did not pay any corporate taxes last year, but it’s an exception. In the end, however, the people who own GE stock and those who purchase GE products are the beneficiaries.
If the corporate tax were eliminated, prices for nearly everything would drop. A liberal, however, would argue that the corporations would only keep the windfall for themselves. With the tax rate down for all corporations, companies would still be in a competitive market place. With lower costs, some companies would begin to lower prices in order to get an advantage over bigger competitors. This would force competitors to lower their prices in order not to lose market share.
The above critic of Perry’s zero corporate tax rate policy added this: “Somalia has a zero percent tax rate AND no government. How’s that working out for them?” Here are the facts on Somalia’s tax rates:
Direct taxes are imposed on income and profits, when officials can collect them. In 1986, tax rates on wages and salaries ranged from 0% to 18.9%. Income from trade and the professions was taxed at rates of up to 35%. Indirect taxes are imposed on imports, exports, mortgages, vehicle registration, sugar, alcohol, and a number of other goods and services. In 2003, Somolia’s sales tax rate was 10%.
Somalia has been involved in a civil war since 1991. It’s one of the most violent nations in the world. Prior to its current dismal state, Somalia was ruled by Communists and later by something called the Somali Revolutionary Socialist Party (SRSP), a one-party government based on “scientific socialism,” kind of what liberals want for the United States.
President Obama wants another “stimulus” for his already failed first shovel-ready project. By permanently eliminating the corporate tax would, there would be an immediate impact on the economy, the stock market would sky rocket, and the dollar would rebound. But if this happened, then thee wouldn’t be a need for so much government, and this is one thing Democrats can’t allow.