
Conservatives are Not Permitted to Adopt Black Babies

Sandra Bullock and Angelina Jolie have adopted black children. So have Charlize Theron, Jillian Michaels, Michelle Pheiffer, Mariska Hargitay, Jane Fonda, Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman, Madonna, Hugh Jackman, Stephen Spielberg, and many others you may not know.

I say good for them and the children they adopted because “it’s important to note that adopting black children is not, in fact, a fad. The truth is that racial bias in adoption preference is very prevalent, with black children waiting the longest to find a family.”

One would think that the adoption of hard-to-place children would be praised by everybody. Not so.

Nancy French writes, “Liberals think adoption is great, unless white, Christian, Republicans are the ones doing it.” French goes on to write:

“Apparently, according to the comments on my blog, many people believe conservatives have no business adopting a black child.  The New York Times has occasionally jumped in the fray, questioning whether black kids might be better off without parents at all if their only option is of the white variety.”

For a liberal, only liberals can do good things. You know what the first phrase that comes to mind when they hear about conservatives who adopt children: Child abuse. Those conservatives who hate blacks, want to see poor children starve, and want to pollute our environment should not be permitted to have children let alone adopt children. Isn’t there a law? And if there isn’t one, there should be. Better to be aborted than adopted by a conservative.

Romney adoption

Andelyne Romney

French“got many comments from liberals accusing her of exaggeration, claiming she had created a straw-man. “Then, as if on cue, Ann Romney tweeted out a photo of their newest grandchild, adopted by their son Ben and his wife Andelyne.”

Here are some of the comments:

• “They only adopted a black baby so Mitt Romney wouldn’t seem racist but we already know…”

• “Mitt Romney out here kidnapping black children. I see what’s going on.”

• “Please give that baby back MITT ROM.”

• “Mitt Romney just bought a black grandchild, straight cash dawg.”

• “pls, @MittRomney & co could be indoctrinating that new blk grandson w/ ALL sorts of white conservative rich v. poor ‘bootstrap values’ bs”

• “I hope Mitt Romney doesn’t pass on his views about the coloreds onto his new grandson.”

• “@AnnDRomney @MittRomney yall about to teach that child self hate…. That should be illegal”

• “Why do you adopt black babies?????”

• “Mitt Romney adopted a grandchild? So he bought a black baby and went to his daughters house like Here. It needs to be walked and fed daily”

• “So Mitt Romney adopted (purchased) a black grandchild”

• “Stay strong kid, child services is on its way.”

• “Please give that baby back @MittRomney”

How many times have conservatives been described as “haters,” “racists,” and enemies of the poor? It’s the liberal mantra writ large. These people are sick, and they vote. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

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