
3 Days to Election: Get Your Free Voter Guides

We have 3 days until the mid-term elections. We have created a special set of Voter Guides that need to be distributed to churches and synagogues across the country leading up to next Tuesday. Our goal is to get 10-20 million of these guides distributed.

CLICK HERE for Voter Guides!


Most Capitol Hill Republicans and Democrats shamefully cooperate to DEBT-FINANCE and SUBSIDIZE anti-Semitism, abortion, mandatory killing and same-sex marriage by means of IRS receipts plus U.S. borrowing at about $16,000 per second.

Would Congress subsidize Auschwitz?

Would President Obama subsidize lynchings?

CLICK HERE for Voter Guides!

Well, then why are most Congressional Republicans and Democrats borrowing from China to kill American babies?

Why are Democrats, aided and abetted by Hill Republicans, killing young women like Jennifer Morbelli?

Why are they all subsidizing anti-Semitism, jihad and Jew-hate in the West Bank and Gaza?

Why are Republicans still funding IRS enforcement of conscience-violating and coercive “Obamacare” abortion pills and devices mandated on faithful businesses, on ministries like Dr. Dobson’s and upon Judeo-Christian institutions like the University Notre Dame, Liberty University, Yeshiva University and Wheaton College, to kill the unborn children of employees?

Why has the Roman Catholic, Evangelical and Jewish leadership of the U.S. House been so wimpy? Why are they still debt-financing the butchers at Planned Parenthood?

CLICK HERE for Voter Guides!

And why, for God’s sake, are House and Senate Republicans (with Dems) engaged in National Debt-financing of same-sex wedlock – the federal subsidization, imposition and enforcement of homosexual “marriage” by Obama and his judges against the 10th Amendment, the frightened Governors, the constitutions and the People of the USA’s “Straight State” Majority?

READ Gov. Mike Huckabee’s historic letter of June 25, 2013 to House Speaker John Boehner.

WATCH Gov. Huckabee’s June 19 Capitol Hill speech vs. U.S./G.O.P.-subsidized judicial supremacy and the nationalization of LGBT wedlock.

Peace and Shalom!

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Starbucks Unveils Its First LBGT Commercial and it Ain’t Pretty