Will More Vote against Terry McAuliffe in Virginia than Vote for Him?
The governor’s race in Virginia is a test case for the Democrats. Terry McAuliffe is a favorite son of the Democrats. He was a big Clinton playmaker. He’s been a fundraising machine for the Democrats. He served as the chairman of the Democratic National Committee (DNC).
Like so many Democrats, he talks about helping the little person and the downtrodden but he’s a big time beneficiary of crony capitalism. He’s very much like Al Gore who talks about carbon emissions but lives in a house with a carbon footprint larger than Big Foot.
Virginia has a lot of pro-government voters in northern Virginia who benefit by government. They may express their anger for the shutdown by voting for McAuliffe. The Democrats are certainly going to make the election a referendum on the Tea Party.
Virginia’s motto is Sic semper tyrannis — “Thus always to tyrants.” The new motto is: “Vote the tyrants in.”
Hypocrisy reigns in the Democrat Party. Most Democrats don’t matter since their voters are benefiting by their policies. Political favors and redistribution payouts are a mainstay that keeps Democrats in power.
It looks like McAuliffe is going to beat Kenneth Cuccinelli in Tuesday’s election, maybe by a wide margin. The result will not surprise anybody.
But what is surprising is that McAuliffe may not get 50 percent of the vote. This shows voter dissatisfaction.
Here are some of the numbers:
“Democrat Terry McAuliffe continues to gain momentum in the race for governor of Virginia and, with 48 hours to go before the balloting, a just-completed Newsmax/Zogby Poll showed him with his biggest lead so far over Republican Ken Cuccinelli at 12 percentage points.
“According to Zogby, McAuliffe, former Democratic National chairman, now leads Cuccinelli, state attorney general, by a margin of 44 percent to 32 percent statewide, with 10 percent going to Libertarian Robert Sarvis, 3 percent for other candidates, and 12 percent undecided.”
If these numbers hold up, McAuliffe only gets 44 percent of the vote. Of course, the undecided vote is a wildcard. They may stay home.
For future elections, the Libertarian vote could be a problem for Republicans.
There’s another factor that should worry Republicans. The Democrats are getting the “pro-amnesty” vote out. Even the radical leftist group La Raza is pitching in to get McAuliffe elected.
“Latino groups are intensifying get-out-the-vote efforts in the Virginia governor’s race against a national backdrop of a congressional struggle over immigration reform,” NBC News Latino reports. “The groups said Thursday immigration reform is a critical issue on which candidates will be measured by Latino voters in the race.”
“NBC Latino quotes the National Council of La Raza Action Fund’s executive director Matthew McClellan who said his group and others are organizing 75,000 phone calls on behalf of McAuliffe and conducting door-to-door get-out-the-vote efforts, running ads in Spanish-language media and sending direct mail to more than 27,000 homes. ‘The Latino community is tired of talk and demanding action,’ McClellan said. “Saying the right thing is not enough and we will be looking for action after is over.”
We’re already seeing Republicans caving on the pro-amnesty issue. They honestly believe that their pro-amnesty vote will help them in future elections.
No matter what happens (unless Cuccinelli means), the establishment media will see it as a win for Obama, ObamaCare, and all of Obama’s policies.