GOP Congressman Steve King Got Blindsided by His Own Party
The 2009 film The Blind Side comes to mind every time a Republican cuts the feet out from under another Republican. The GOP has been reluctant to fight for and with President Trump against the evil Democrat Party. Many of them would love to see him go so things can get back
Is This the Real Reason Why the West Fears Vladimir Putin?
“This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil” (John 3:19). “Although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the
Prominent Christian Author and Pastor Says We are Facing the Death of Western Civilization
Samuel Clemens, better known as Mark Twain, wrote the following concerning reports that he was seriously ill and near death (it was actually a cousin): “The report of my death was an exaggeration.” A similar thing can be said about Western Civilization. It may be ill, but it’s not dead. In
Off With Columbus’ Head, Celebrate the Aztecs Instead
The Social Justice Warriors are on the march. They’ve just attacked a bronze statue of Christopher Columbus in Yonkers, New York. It was found beheaded. A Columbus statue in Baltimore was vandalized. “New York Mayor Bill de Blasio is currently reviewing a statue of the explorer at Columbus Circle as
Was Trump’s Warsaw Speech Racist and Bigoted?
“Follow the left to its logical conclusion. You must embrace your own destruction or you are racist and crazy. You have been the majority. You must be brought down. The West is evil. White people are evil. The only remedy is to get rid of them. Abort them. Flood their countries with immigrants. Replace their religions, their history, and their culture.”
Mike Huckabee, Jeb Bush, Common Core, and the Control of Education
Liberals knew that if they could capture the schools, they would have future generations of people agreeing with them on almost everything. And they’ve done this by making us pay for the rope they’re hanging us with. They sold parents on the premise that public education is “free.” In reality,
Can Mike Huckabee be President by Supporting Common Core?
Liberals knew that if they could capture the schools, they would have future generations of people agreeing with them on almost everything. They sold parents on the premise that public education is “free.” In reality, it has been very costly, not only in monetary value but in ideological devaluation. Mike
Mike Huckabee Shows He’s Naïve About Common Core and Education
Liberals knew that if they could capture the schools, they would have future generations of people agreeing with them on almost everything. They sold parents on the premise that public education is “free.” In reality, it has been very costly, not only in monetary value but in ideological devaluation. Mike
Chris O’Dowd is Another Atheist Who Proves He’s a Fool
Chris O’Dowd is an actor who made some comments about religion in Britain’s GQ magazine. Being an actor doesn’t make him any smarter or dumber than anybody else. His opinions are one in around 7 billion at any given time. Opinions are free, and he’s free to espouse them, even