GOP Hates Blacks and War on Women Memes Just Died
Will we finally stop hearing that Republicans are in a war against women? No. Get this from Democrat operative and ABC analyst Donna Brazile: “As the walls crumbled in on the Democratic Party, with huge losses in Colorado, Iowa, North Carolina and other places, ABC analyst Donna Brazile stubbornly clung

Democrat War on Women: Let Me Count the Ways
Liberals are all about making unfounded charges against conservatives. Opposing abortion on demand that kills preborn babies – 50 percent of which are female and in some countries an even higher percentage – is turned into a “Republican war on women.” Forcing me to pay for a woman’s birth control

Why the Sudden Swing in the Polls to Romney?
A lot of voters have not been following the presidential election. As the election nears, more people are beginning to pay attention. Those of you who read articles on this site know all the issues. A majority of American voters don’t. Now that they’re paying attention, they need a way

Women are the Casualties of the Democrats’ War on Women
Democrats keep talking about the Republican “war on women.” Here are a few remarks by Democrat Sen. Barbara Boxer: “There is a war against women, and Romney and Ryan — if they are elected — would become its top generals.” She made these remarks at a Planned (Un)Parenthood luncheon. Democrats

Liberal War on Women is a Tactic to Control Our Lives and Make Us Wards of the State
The liberal attack on Ann Romney goes much deeper than a disagreement over working women. Liberals see stay-at-home moms as a threat to the regime. Non-governmental schools are also looked down upon. Homeschooling is especially seen as a threat to the State. Sweden bans homeschooling. A curriculum that is not

There’s No ‘War on Women’ but there is a ‘War on Men’
If you believe liberals, there’s a war on women in America. Even Sen. John McCain got sucked into the war-on-women vortex when he told Meet the Press host David Gregory that there is in fact a “war on women among Republicans.” Sen. McCain should pay more attention to his over-sexed