29 Apr 2014

Why Wall Street Republicans Will Support Hillary Clinton in 2016

Everybody loves free stuff! So it’s no wonder that the Wall Street Republicans love Obama and will love Hillary in 2016. Quantitative Easing has artificially boosted profits on Wall Street. Billions have been made with funny money, and it’s all happened with a Democrat in the White House. Barack Obama

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
07 Oct 2011

The Goal: Occupy the White House and Congress in 2012

While the Leftists are trying to punish the people who create jobs, Conservatives should stay focused on the real problem – Congress and the Presidency. While the leeches and special interest groups want to increase the power of government to make it more difficult for the producers to produce, Conservatives

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
05 Oct 2011

Are Michael Moore and Roseanne Barr Promoting Violence?

The only funny thing Michael Moore ever did was the film Canadian Bacon (1995), and it wasn’t that funny. Critical reviews of Canadian Bacon were largely negative, with a 14% certified rotten rating on Rotten Tomatoes. The film is about the president’s handlers contrive a military threat from Canada in

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
05 Oct 2011

Down with the Tea Party, Up with the Wall Street Protestors?

Have you been paying attention to the way that liberal commentators and politicians are praising and giving validity to the Occupy Wall Street protestors? These are the same people who described Tea Party members as being undemocratic, obstructionists, and terrorists. For example, Rep. Mike Doyle (D-Pa.), at a two-hour, closed-door

Gary DeMar 0 Read More