28 Dec 2018

Keeping the Deep State Alive at All Costs (To You and Me)

If there’s one thing governments fear is an overthrow of the status quo and their grip on power and unconstitutional ways to make money for those who feed on the government trough through illegitimate means. By their nature, civil governments are in the protection business. They should be protecting the

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
29 Jul 2018

The Millennial Dictionary: “Helping People is Socialism.”

Definitions matter. For the record, Merriam-Webster defines socialism as “any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods.” Simply, socialism is taking money and property from some people so it can be given to make everyone more

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
06 Jul 2018

Do Americans Really Want Socialism?

We’re being told by some that the people of the United States want socialism. The thing of it is, we already have a mild form of socialism. In it’s now famous “We Are All Socialists Now” cover, Newsweek wrote: The U.S. government has already—under a conservative Republican administration—effectively nationalized the

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
04 Mar 2017

The Book that Can Save Venezuela and Cuba

Venezuela is falling apart. People are losing weight because they can’t find enough to eat. There is $10 billion in the treasury. That sounds like a lot of money, but these days $10 billion does not go very far. The nation is on the verge of collapse. No amount of

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
29 Dec 2015

Bernie Sanders’ Tweet Disqualifies Him from Holding any Political Office

Not only should Bernie Sanders step down as a presidential candidate, but he should also resign from the Senate. The problem is that it’s not just Sanders who doesn’t know anything about economics. Most Democrats and not a few Republicans don’t know much about economics, and if they do know

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
27 Aug 2015

Immigration Reform: Now is the Time to Abolish the Welfare State

Democrats are keen on not letting a crisis go to waste. As soon as the Virginia shooting took place, liberals were immediately calling for more gun control even though the man who murdered the two news crew workers jumped through all the legal hoops. You can’t legislate against evil and

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
07 Jan 2013

NY Congressman Wants Hugo Chavez as President

Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro have declared themselves to be “Presidents for Life.” Venezuela’s constitution once had term limits on the presidency. Because of a 2009 referendum, Chavez can run indefinitely. Now it seems that Rep. José E. Serrano (D-NY) wants President Obama as President for Life. Rep. Serrano, New York

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
26 Dec 2012

Sam Donaldson Thinks He Wants a Revolution

Sam Donaldson has been in Washington too longer. He’s been infected with the belief that his observations are holy writ. Prime evidence is his attack on the Tea Party. “The greatest slogan that I hated during this last campaign was ‘We want to take back our country.’ Guys, it’s not

Gary DeMar 0 Read More