04 Dec 2018

Apple CEO Tim Cook Wants to Define ‘Sin’ and Punish People Who Don’t Agree with His Definitions

Apple CEO Tim Cook, who admits engaging in sex with other men “and supported Hillary Clinton in 2016, defended the banning of certain speech and news media on Apple platforms when they violate the ‘values’ of the company. He added that to not ban what is ‘wrong’ is irresponsible and ‘a sin.’” I am

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
23 Aug 2017

It’s Time to Disband the NAACP, the Congressional Black Caucus, and Black Lives Matter

If the nation is really serious about race, then it’s time we put our politics where our mouth is. The following article headline caught my attention: “Black caucus has had it with Trump, plans to discuss impeachment” Here’s the opening paragraph: The Congressional Black Caucus, a formidable bloc of lawmakers

Gary DeMar 0 Read More