The ‘Jesus Was a Socialist’ and ‘Property is Theft’ Lies
“You shall not steal” is a fundamental biblical commandment that’s found in both Testaments (Ex. 20:15; 21:16; Lev. 19:11, 13; Matt. 19:18; Rom. 13:9). If property is theft, as one Christian stated on his Facebook page, then every person in the world is a thief because everyone owns something. If

How Many People Really Know What Socialism Is?
Rhetoric matters. Words matter. Socialism sounds like “being social.” Conservatives keep denouncing Socialism. I wonder how many people know what it is. A good friend who works at a pregnancy center in Georgia recently set up a booth at a local college. It showed the development of an unborn baby.

Why the Wealth Tax Is Anti-Biblical, Immoral, and Futile
The Left is always talking about how wealthy people are immoral. Those on the Left who are rich define rich as someone who is richer than they are. They are exhibiting the sin of envy. Envy is not jealousy or covetousness. Envy is the politics of destruction. If I can’t have

Would Jesus endorse Obamacare?
Bullies are trying to dismantle Obamacare. What does Jesus think of bullies? That’s what one writer has recently asked. Too bad he didn’t ask the logical follow up: what’s He going to do about them?

Facebook Founder Advocates Government Theft to Provide Universal Basic Income
During his Harvard Commencement Speech, Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg advocated for Universal Basic Income (UBI) for Americans: “Every generation expands its definition of equality. Now it’s time for our generation to define a new social contract,” Zuckerberg said during his speech. “We should have a society that measures progress

Why Subsidies are Theft
We hear that “taxation is theft,” and much of it is, but it’s also true that a subsidy is theft. The Affordable Care Act is attractive to people because it offers “subsidies” to millions of people who cannot afford healthcare. What is a subsidy? It’s someone else’s money. By the

Ohio Gov. John Kasich Believes the Bible Supports the Welfare State
Once again we have a politician using the Bible to support a political position. This time it’s Ohio governor John Kasich, a Republican, believes the Bible can be used to support taking money from some people so it can be given to other people. He’s critical of people who oppose

The Real Reason Governments Ban the Ten Commandments
The Oklahoma Supreme Court has ruled that a Ten Commandments’ monument must be removed from the State Capitol grounds in Oklahoma. Why are the courts so opposed to the Ten Commandments? Secular governments don’t want any competition. Governments want to be free to establish their own laws without a law

Reclaim the Language: Taxation is Theft
The first thing any good debater learns is that the debate is never with the guy on the stage. The debate is always with the audience. Os Guinness makes a very astute observation in his book The Gravedigger File. It’s the 10-10-80 principle. In most social movements, there are worldview

Let’s Call Taxation What It Is: Theft
Bill Kristol, a long-time spokesman for neo-conservatism which is just another name for the road to serfdom by the slow route, says it’s no big deal if millionaires are taxed more. Obama won. Give him what he ran and won on. Here’s what Kristol said on Fox News Sunday: “Elections

There’s a Point When Taxation is Stealing
I received the following email in reference to a statement that I made on my radio show that “taxation is stealing.” “I was discussing taxes with a person on FaceBook on the issue of the election and he brought up the argument that the government should be allowed to step