09 Jun 2018

Jodie Foster Is “More Comfortable Having Robots” Own a Gun Than Humans

Hollywood actress Jodie Foster said she would be “much more comfortable having robots” own a gun than an emotional human doing so. “I mean, I’d be much more comfortable having robots have them, but we are designed to have emotions that overflow and that are not guided by our heads,” Foster

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
13 May 2018

Running, Jumping, and Climbing Robots Prove Something-From-Nothing Evolution is Not Science

Boston Dynamics has released two videos that show robots “autonomously navigating through different terrains, including an office and a lab, and jogging in a grass field.” It’s freaky and creepy. The new Terminator-like robot will give you the willies. How would you stop this thing once it’s been programmed to

Gary DeMar 0 Read More