130 Students and Teachers Killed by ‘Peaceful’ Muslims in Pakistan
You’ve heard about the “lone wolf” Muslim who held hostages in chocolatier shop in central Sydney, Australia, yesterday. It’s always a “lone wolf,” or so-called Muslims that don’t represent Islam, who do these things. how many incidents is it going to take before people understand that there are enough of these “lone
Political Prop Frank Schaeffer is a Sell-Out Who Has Lost His Mind
Any time liberals want to take a slam at conservative Christians they call on Frank Schaeffer, the son of Francis A. Schaeffer, the Christian apologist who brought Evangelicals out of the pietistic closet and have become a living nightmare for liberals. Liberals loved religion when liberal religionists voted for them.
Urinating on the Dead: Marine Performance Art?
You may have heard about American soldiers who urinated on the bodies of some dead Taliban insurgents. I suspect that the dead soldiers tried to kill American soldiers. War is hell. People are killed. Bodies are mutilated, blown to bits by bombs and shrapnel, and incinerated. My father had his
Biden Says the Taliban are Our Friends
If you’re old enough to remember or you studied it in a history class, Gerald Ford, in his debate with Jimmy Carter, made what many believe was a classic blunder. The media never let him or us forget it: Ford incorrectly stated that Poland was “independent and autonomous” from the