Don’t Vote in November If You want These Types of People in Control
The Democrat Party is evil. Both political parties are bad, but the Democrats are downright demonic. They have no regard for minorities, women, or children. These are political pawns to power and money. The Brett Kavanaugh hearing is the epitome of their indifference to the groups who vote for them.
Black Slave Masters Intimidate Other Blacks Who Leave the Leftist Plantation
During the time of slavery in the United States, some slaves did the bidding of their masters by ruling over other slaves for special favors from their masters. There were freed slaves who owned slaves. Some of these owners “purchased family members as slaves in order to protect them…. [O]n the
Should the Democrat Party be Listed as a ‘Hate Group’?
Some might argue that the examples don’t come directly from the Democrat Party. This is true. But we know that these aren’t Republicans saying and doing these things. Even John McCain isn’t that brazen. These haters are Democrat surrogates. They are like Michael Corleone’s “buffers.” They do the dirty work so the Democrats can say, “Not us. We’re not responsible.”