Reparations Will Only Turn Poor Blacks into Bigger Slaves to the State
I don’t owe anyone anything except what I’ve contracted to pay. I’ve never owned a slave. I’ve never denied a black person a job. Who are these Democrats to demand reparations from me? Trillions of dollars have been paid out to poor people for nearly 60 years. It’s only made

Secularism’s March Toward Dehumanization. Who Will Be Next?
Dehumanization is covered by the veneer of science. Children are being taught they are animals related to other lesser animals. If you go back far enough, we can trace our origin to a soup of chemicals where the fight for survival made us what we are today. It’s all so scientific.

John MacArthur and the Culture Wars: Part 3
In Paul Dallas’ novel The Lost Planet, a story about how two teenagers avert a war between their home planets, the main characters learn a crucial military lesson. The scene takes place just before the teenager from Earth boards a spaceship and travels to the distant planet Poseida: As he

Are We Headed for a Bloody Revolution?
The storming of the Bastille was a catalyst for what became known as the Reign of Terror. “French society underwent an epic transformation as feudal, aristocratic and religious privileges evaporated under a sustained assault from left-wing political groups and the masses on the streets.” How bad was it? Internally, popular sentiments radicalized

Democrat Presidential Candidate Makes Huge Constitutional Blunder
Should a Congressman who does not know what the Constitution says be permitted to hold public office?

Does the ‘Primary Mission of the Church’ Negate Social Transformation?
We don’t live under a king or a Caesar. Our governing document is the Constitution. We have the freedom to vote civil officials out of office. We can petition the government for a redress of grievances. The Ninth and Tenth Amendments limit the national government.

Should Today’s White People Pay Reparations to Black People?
The Democrat Party is calling for reparations. Some Christian Ministers are saying that if you don’t support reparations you are of the devil. Thabiti Anyabwile, pastor of Anacostia River in Washington, D.C. and a council member for The Gospel Coalition, is one of them. Here’s some of what he is saying. If my neighbor commits

The ‘Slave Bible’ and Its Rotten Fruit
Propagandizing, media bias, and selective fact-finding to manipulate people have a long history. It’s all much more sophisticated today. Keeping people in the dark about the issues of the day is a practice used by both sides of any debate. Socialism is all the rage, and yet rarely do we

Women of ‘The View’ Argue for Abortion Like Slave Owners Argued for Slavery
The women of The View discussed abortion. It looked like the so-called pro-life Democrat, Sunny Hostin, might actually take an anti-abortion position. While claiming that Democrats should take the moral high ground against Republicans because “the most important things to [Jesus] were justice and mercy, so real biblical sort of

Should We Rally Around ‘No Taxation Without Representation’?
Some years ago, several people in comments to my article “Liberal Compares Obama’s Push for Tax Hikes to Lincoln Wanting to End Slavery,” used the phrase ‘No Taxation without Representation’ in reaction to where our nation is headed. It’s not a good response to our current situation. Right now, there

Black Slave Masters Intimidate Other Blacks Who Leave the Leftist Plantation
During the time of slavery in the United States, some slaves did the bidding of their masters by ruling over other slaves for special favors from their masters. There were freed slaves who owned slaves. Some of these owners “purchased family members as slaves in order to protect them…. [O]n the

GQ Magazine Says Book That Built Western Civilization is ‘Foolish’
An article in GQ magazine written by the editors declares that the Bible is one of 21 books that you don’t need to read. It’s 12th on the list and the description by Jesse Ball begins with the following comment: The Holy Bible is rated very highly by all the

Does the Bible Condemn Wealthy People?
Writing a daily column for this website is a perilous enterprise. While most of the emails I get in response are complimentary, there are always a few spoilers. One letter writer was stridently opposed to my article on “Let’s Stop Taxing the Rich More in the Name of ‘Fairness.’”I just

If You Want to Protest Something, Use Your Own Dime and Time
The other night, my wife and I went to see a protection of The King and I at the Fox Theatre in Atlanta. I would have been ticked off if the actors had decided to make some political statement — Left or Right — before, during, or after the show.

Here’s What NFL and NBA Multi-Millionaires Should be Protesting and Doing
Let’s get a few things straight. Telling an employee that he or she can’t do something while on the job is not a violation of his or her First Amendment rights. It wouldn’t be censorship if the NFL came out with a ruling that mandated the following: “There will not

Do Democrats Really Care About Slavery and the Plight of Black People or Do They Want a Revolution?
A woman called into Rush Limbaugh’s show yesterday (8/16/17). She complimented Rush on his show, says she listens often but pointed out that the real issue regarding the monuments is slavery. People are upset about these statues and monuments because of the history of slavery. Rush made the important point

CNN’s Big Lies About Islam and Founding of USA
“CNN’s W. Kamau Bell devoted a recent episode of his series United Shades of America to exploring Muslim and Arab communities” claiming that “Islam has ‘always’ been present in the U.S.” since a significant minority of black slaves were Muslim. President Obama said something similar in his 2009 Cairo speech: “Islam has

How Blacks Were Duped into Becoming Political Slaves to the Democrat Party
When the master of Frederick Douglass (1818–1895) discovered that his wife was teaching his 12-year-old slave to read the Bible, he stopped her. “If he learns to read the Bible it will make him ever unfit to be a slave,” her husband said. In no time “he’ll be running away